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Ratface wants a Pretty Little Thing

Ratface Rothole

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Ratface K. Rothole

Hi , I've had trouble with my password so could'nt respond. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who offered advice/comments. Even the teasing/sarcastic one's.


I admit that feedback such as the thought that I'm delusional has been a splash of cold water in the face. I'm convinced now that the pretty young thing has no romantic interest in me . Let's face it, if she did, a man of my age would know and not have to ask LS.


On top of that I'm happy that she likes me in the way she does, and that we can laugh, gossip and work together. I'm not going to look for more.


Now, that all said, I will say this. Some young girls do repond sexually/romantically to men my age. Trust me on this. With this girl though it's not the case. I trust you guys on that . Thanks.


Just so you all know how great she is think Shania Twain's personality and looks. You won't be too far off.


The Rat.

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