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Dreams that make me jealous or insecure...

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Ok last night I had these weird dreams with this girl names Nathalie, shes this girl my bf is friends with, ive never seen her but i found a picture of her in his digital camera, this was weird cuz he never takes his camera to school but he had tooken it and taken a pic of her, i told him "why did u take ure cam to school?" and he just said i wanted to show ure pictures, cuz he has like 2 pics of me in there, hm..

Anyways i was like ok whatever, then i see that everytime her name is highlighted online, like hes always checking her profile, at first i didnt know that was her, but after seeing her name highlighted for the FOURTH time i asked him...and he said "oh thats nathalie" but i was didnt wanna make a big deal so i just brushed it off...plus he has our names in his profile...


Anyways ive seen hes called her and so fourth and she calls him for no reason, anyways last night i dram with her, like that she had written him an email that she liked him alot, and for some reason in the dream he was leavingme for her or something like that..

anyways these dreams make me insecure, i love my bf alot and i always fear soemoen else will take him away from me , i know its dumb to think this way but usally men cheat on women adn women cheat on men and couples dont last forever...


Well i dunno if to ignore this dream or what? sometimes i wish i didnt love my bf so much and could just let it go....


let me add that everytime we are out he always looks at other girls and if we are sitting at a table eating, face to face, i may be talking to him but hes looking elsewhere like if hes not paying attention, anyways this frustrates me....is it me or him? or both?

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"tooken" isn't a word.


You have scads of issues with insecurity and jealousy, now you're worried that your dreams mean something. I think you should see the school counsellor because you're far too young to be starting out your young dating life with all these many issues and fears and paranoid concerns. Guys don't like a jealous, paranoid, insecure girlfriend - it gets on their last nerve. Focus instead on getting a good education so that you have a bright future.

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actually dreams aren't always meaningless.


i treated one meaninglessly and found out months later that exactly what i dreamed was true. nothing i dreamed had been indicated to me in any way before i dreamed it. it was really freaky, and too detailed to be coincidental. that dream bugged me for a loooooong time, and then everything fell into place almost an entire year later. blech, i hate thinking about it even now.


a lot of my dreams (well, maybe not a lot, but a few anyway) have turned out to be real issues, although some were about pregnancy, and this is said to happen with the whole "women's intuition" thing.


but in starnette's situation: i think you're placing too much energy on thinking about this girl, and it's coming out in your dreams. if you really think she is a problem, look for something a little more concrete before you drive yourself nuts. if it's bothering you, you need to confront it


and no, tooken is definitely not a word. :o

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Dreams have everything to do with what is going on in our waking lives. Some people think so some don't. I am one of those that do. You can either play close attention to them or you don't. Either way its letting you know what is truly going on in your waking life. Good luck.

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Originally posted by Starnette83

Ok last night I had these weird dreams with this girl names Nathalie, shes this girl my bf is friends with, ive never seen her but i found a picture of her in his digital camera, this was weird cuz he never takes his camera to school but he had tooken it and taken a pic of her, i told him "why did u take ure cam to school?" and he just said i wanted to show ure pictures, cuz he has like 2 pics of me in there, hm..

Anyways i was like ok whatever, then i see that everytime her name is highlighted online, like hes always checking her profile, at first i didnt know that was her, but after seeing her name highlighted for the FOURTH time i asked him...and he said "oh thats nathalie" but i was didnt wanna make a big deal so i just brushed it off...plus he has our names in his profile...


Anyways ive seen hes called her and so fourth and she calls him for no reason, anyways last night i dram with her, like that she had written him an email that she liked him alot, and for some reason in the dream he was leavingme for her or something like that..

anyways these dreams make me insecure, i love my bf alot and i always fear soemoen else will take him away from me , i know its dumb to think this way but usally men cheat on women adn women cheat on men and couples dont last forever...


Well i dunno if to ignore this dream or what? sometimes i wish i didnt love my bf so much and could just let it go....


let me add that everytime we are out he always looks at other girls and if we are sitting at a table eating, face to face, i may be talking to him but hes looking elsewhere like if hes not paying attention, anyways this frustrates me....is it me or him? or both?


My girlfriend has a good, close friend that is a guy. You have to realize being friends with the opposite sex is natural. I would assume that you have at least one close guy friend that you are ONLY friends with, nothing more.


Also, every guy looks at every girl. It's a fact, and the sooner you realize that, the better. However, I would tell him that it bugs you that he does it right in front of you. It could be that he's comfortable enough that he knows you won't get mad, but obviously you do. Just talk to him, the best thing to do is communicate openly with him =)

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