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In love or desperate.

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Im 18 and ive never had a gf and it never really bothered me till lately (about a year) cause i just keep getting older and I will just feel more like a loser. Anyways I have a friend (a girl Ive know for about 4 months) that I like and we been hanging out for the past 3 weeks alot and I enjoy being with her even though i pretend to be bored when I watch her play demos at the mall. She has a bf but she is all over me! And it makes me feel happy I have someone who wants to be close to me. But she always asks for a ride before we hangout (she doesnt ask to hangout, we just do) and sometimes I feel she uses me but then think, maybe she asks for a ride so she can hang with me.


I wait for her to come into class and when she walks into the classroom my heart starts pounding and I cant help but smile. When were at the mall or something she will pull my arm to show me something and I feel like she is my gf. Im thinking about her ALL the time! Im having dreams of her every day! I remember things she says months ago, she said she liked the music in Kingdom Hearts and I found the soundtrack (downloaded it) and put the lyrics for the songs with them and the track listing and I plan to give it to her for Christmas. I felt I should make something nice since she said she would buy me Resident evil 4 =) We Have so much in common that she reminds me of myself, its so weird! I know she is not perfect, but I really think she is the one for me. I cant see myself with anyone else. In fact I dont think I can meet anyone else like her.


My best friends live far live (like an hour away) and I dont get to see them much and my friend who lives next to me doesnt talk to me anymore....Do you think maybe im desperate and lonely, and I need someone right now or do really love her even though were just friends.


Btw Ive never had a gf because my dad would drink and not let me out of the house. So please dont think Im just a loser.

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I just wanted to say that nobody would EVER think you were a loser all because you're 18 and haven't yet had a girlfriend. There's tons of people who are into their 20s who've never had one....I'm in my mid 30s and I've actually met some men who are nearing 40 and they've never had a serious relationship. Don't ever put yourself down. There's lots of people who date tons and tons of people but sometimes they just do it with people they don't really even like, who aren't a good match, all because it makes them "look" popular...it's much better to wait for the right person to come along, when YOU are ready.


In your situation, it is a concern that she's got a boyfriend..........she could be playing you because she knows you like her (can tell) and she likes your attention.......or maybe she really does like you....but best not to get too crazy about her until such times as she doesn't have a boyfriend.

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