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Do girls Lie alot/Isn't that wrong?

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Is it possible that girls wait to get back to a guy and if he waits they will call? Or is it something they just do to get the guy off their back? They say they have fun and are really thinking in their head that they didn't have any interest and are going to ignore you? Or do they wait because they are undesicive?

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If they are interested, they will call. I also take male numbers. Because of their approach, you can tell that they cannot take rejection. So I rather take the number and never call.

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Johnny U,


Originally posted by heartburn

If they are interested, they will call. I also take male numbers. Because of their approach, you can tell that they cannot take rejection. So I rather take the number and never call.



Does that answer your question??? :rolleyes:

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maybe they dont want to hurt ur feelings, or they dont have enough guts do it right there and there. to say im not really interested in u, i would rather we not talk anymore, is that what u would like to hear them say, after u've had a good time with them.


so its much easier to say, ya i had a good time, it was nice, blah blah, and then say ill talk to u soon, or whatever, and then they never call. its just easy, and wouldnt make the girls feel guilty about hurting ur feelings. all of this supposing that they are not interested.


i would call if i wanted to see the guy again, or at least wait for him to call.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by heartburn

If they are interested, they will call. I also take male numbers. Because of their approach, you can tell that they cannot take rejection. So I rather take the number and never call.


What do you do when a guy keeps calling you and your not into him? This girl I like at work I got her number from someone and call her since she didnt call me back and when I saw her at work she went apes*it on me and said not to call her again. She wasnt mad at me she said later. I might call her soon and see how school is going.

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Is it possible that girls wait to get back to a guy and if he waits they will call? Or is it something they just do to get the guy off their back? They say they have fun and are really thinking in their head that they didn't have any interest and are going to ignore you? Or do they wait because they are undesicive?


Depends on the girl. If she doesn't call within the first 2-5 days chances are she isn't interested. Or she could be shy.


If you need more input or advice we need some detail of your situation that you're in.

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Originally posted by whichwayisup

Depends on the girl. If she doesn't call within the first 2-5 days chances are she isn't interested. Or she could be shy.


If you need more input or advice we need some detail of your situation that you're in.


See the girl at work never called me. She would say liek "I'll call you, or I'll talk to you at work" I mean She said to talk to her at work so I did and she complained I was too pushy.

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