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longest 2 sentences in the world!


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Don't mean to be rude here hun, but did you never learn to write SENTENCES? God, that was a real bugger to try and muddle through. If you want to get advice from people on forums like this, take a minute and use some punctuation and maybe a very capitals..sheesh!


Now for the advice.


What the heck are you doing involved with a married man for?...and a co-worker no less.....talk about asking for trouble!!!!!! Didn't you ever learn that married men are off limits?


You're 20 years younger than him.....he probably sees you as nothing more than a 'side-dish' to have sex with.


What do you hope to gain from this? Do you like being treated like a doormat?....being used?


So what he was abandoned as a child...big hairy deal. So were a lot of people.....that has no bearing on the fact that he's a married man screwing around with you.


And perhaps he doesn't show affection to you, or tell you how he feels about you because of the GUILT of what he's doing....or, maybe he sees you as nothing but a play-toy.


Why would you want someone who's already committed his life to his wife? And I take from your post that you're involved with someone too.


Sorry, I don't feel much sympathy for you. You make your bed, you lie in it.

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