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I wanna hang with this Dude, But My girl Doesn't like him...What do I tell her?

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Need some advice...


I'm 26, my girl is 26, my buddy John is 26.


My buddy john has been a pal for about a year and a half.

We met thru my GF's friend, who GF now doesn't really talk to anymore...


I like the guy but don't like to hang out ALL the time, he's not what you

would call a "life Long" friend. Just a dude that i've hung with a few times. He's a nice guy

but can be a bit obnoxious sometimes. He likes to play jokes on people and

always making fun of people. That's just his way. But were into a lot of the same

music and sort of clicked music-wise.


Here's my Problem:


My girl doesn't really like him. She can't handle his over-the-top, Boisterous, "always joking"

personality. Whenever we've seen him at a club or wherever, he'll tease her about whatever.

He just thinks he's being funny. Anyway, She doesn't dig him. She's Ms. Quiet Mouse, so obviously

they are total opposites.


He asked me to grab a bite with him tomorrow night. I'm down becuz I haven't seen that Cat

in a while and it would be good to catch up a bit, get out of the house, etc.


If I tell my girl, she'll probably be bummed and ask WHY I would want to hang with him. I mean Yeah,

I have complained about the dude before to her, cuz he used to call a lot bugging me to hang out, or play

music with him etc.


So I'm trying to figure out How to tell her, Or if I should tell her at all.....I don't want to lie.

We don't have any mutual friends that would say anything and I only want to hang this one time,

since it's been Months, since i've gone with him. She probably wouldn;t mind if I told her I was going

to a concert with him, Because it's a band we both like, But If i tell her it's Just Dinner, She'd have a problem

I think, cuz she'd probably have to grab dinner by herself. If it was an event, with dinner, she'd probably not mind.

Sounds dumb, but she's like that.


Any advice

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Originally posted by Green zombee


Sounds dumb, but she's like that.


Any advice



two options:


1) tell her to buzz off and do whatever you want, or

2) tell her you don't like one of her g/f and you don't want her hangin' with her anymore.


either one should work.

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I came out and told her I was going....Just a few mintues ago on the phone.



She wasn't too bothered by it, So I guess I'm cool now.



I posted for nuthin.




Thanks for your help.

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Originally posted by Pocky

If only more people would do that..






I would like to tell you that even though I don't know you, I appreciate the concern you showed for your gf's feelings, and the fact that you knew what you wanted and you didn't feel you had to choose between your gf and hanging out with a buddy.


Just goes to show that it CAN be done! :)

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Man, I hate to say it, but you're whipped. :)


I'm glad you told her the truth!! Be a man. You're your own person, and if you want to go out to eat with a guy friend then you are more than welcome to. There are a LOT worse things that your girlfriend could be pissed about.

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