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Young, Long Term Relationships

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I am currently 15, turning 16 in less than two months. I'm not going to rant about how i could be 'mature' for my age or any of that because i know i am still very young and that relationships shouldn't even be a big deal for me yet.

But i have found myself in a situation that i feel very uneasy and confused about.

When i was about thirteen and a half years old i began dating a girl who was slightly older than me by only about half a month. (i would also like to add that i am also a girl, I'm not sure if this would change anything but i thought id include it for the sake of avoiding confusion) I had a large crush on her for about a year and a half before this and our relationship started soon after i told her.

I would go into much detail about my personal story but basically i suffer from anxiety and possibly depression (though depression is yet to be confirmed) and due to this i also have a strong attachment to people and am very fearful of being left alone.

I include this as i feel it may have effected the duration of this relationship.

i have now been with her for two and a half years but i feel like i'm making her miss out on teenage life, as well as myself of course.

She seems content with the idea of staying together forever but i was her first relationship. I had had a few silly childish relationships lasting a month or two but never anything close to this.


Now to the main point, we are very young, but i really do like her. I wont say love as i don't know really what that is yet, but if i had to i would describe it as being in love. Iv heavily relied on her for coping with my emotional health problems and i am now thankfully starting to get better. I have stopped her from doing and wearing certain things in the past but am now feeling a lot more comfortable and relaxed as i work through these problems.

im really sorry about all the text but my main questions is...


Should i end the relationship?


iv recently felt like we should explore and experience our teenage years more, rather than just staying safe with each-other. I don't want to miss out on a fun and self-exploratory part of life, but i do love this girl. I feel very uneasy and worried about the future due to this as iv never really questioned it.


If any more information is needed I'm very happy to reply, thank you for reading about my problem.



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