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Bravo Tony!


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Just want to send a quick shout out to Tony. I think what you do on this site is wonderful. ( pro-bono, right?) I've been reading your posts off and on for well over a year now. You perform a great service here. You guide people towards making healthy life choices. I hate to think where some people may have been with advice from less skilled folks, such as myself.


I've never seen a shrink, though as the stigma attached to it seems to wear off year by year, I may one day. Until then, I want you to know that reading your replies to people is the next best thing available. It's practice in a way, because although I may not currently be having relationship troubles, inevitably I will. By frequenting this forum I am able to prepare myself in a sense. It's fun to read a person's problem, and then guess how your going to answer. It makes me feel good when intuitively I agree with you. It makes me think I'm on the right path.


I'm not saying your god here buddy. In fact, I'm sure you've had your troubles too, hence your understanding of others. However, just want to say I respect what you do here. Although I don't always agree with you,(just not my nature) I think your a terrific assest on this site.



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I second that!


Tony you said you had been a reporter for two years. I've noticed that you write very well....you tend to get your point across in a very clear and easy to understand manner.


Can you give us some clue as to your line of work?



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Well, David, I feel like I just got the Nobel Prize or something. Your remarks are very kind. I very much appreciate all of your words.


I will say that every time I post here, as I click on the post prompt, my heart races wondering just how many people will jump all over me.


Even when people agree with me, things don't always work as they're supposed to. A lot of posters leave out important details...like when they're married and make it look like they're single...things like that. It's really hard giving advice when the details are skimpy but we all try hard.


Thanks so much for taking the time to write the kind note. But I will say I learn a lot more by reading the thoughtful posts of others. There are so many things I leave out or just don't think about.


Love is one of those more difficult subjects...right up there with the Theory of Relativity or perhaps more closely akin to the Big Bang Theory.

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Rachel, very sweet of you to second David's post.


I have an advertising agency, producing radio and television commercials for Lincoln Mercury dealerships around the country...and I also am General Manager for a firm which owns multiple apartment complexes in central Florida.


A lot of people have complexes that need to be managed, I have found.


Have a great weekend!!!

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Bobby Dygytul

Yeah right Tony, you know thats really you writing all these posts about how wonderful you are, you are juss making up names arn't you? LOL (juss kiddin man!!)


Well, David, I feel like I just got the Nobel Prize or something. Your remarks are very kind. I very much appreciate all of your words. I will say that every time I post here, as I click on the post prompt, my heart races wondering just how many people will jump all over me. Even when people agree with me, things don't always work as they're supposed to. A lot of posters leave out important details...like when they're married and make it look like they're single...things like that. It's really hard giving advice when the details are skimpy but we all try hard. Thanks so much for taking the time to write the kind note. But I will say I learn a lot more by reading the thoughtful posts of others. There are so many things I leave out or just don't think about. Love is one of those more difficult subjects...right up there with the Theory of Relativity or perhaps more closely akin to the Big Bang Theory.
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