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A short true love story in need of advice and suggestion.:)

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Hello there ppl.I kinda just want general advice on a situation I've incontered.It gets kinda complicated soo...Here we go.Girl meets boy on net.They become friends..and one day they decided to talk to each other on the phone for kicks.The next thin you know there talking on the phone ever day.And ever night.For hours and hours.Sometimes all night long.'Causeing BIG BIG phone bills of upwards of a thousand dollars.Girl and boy fall in love.The two are there fopr each other.The two are the best things that ever happen to each other and have the seeming perfect relatinoship...save the distance.And I don't mean prefect in the lovey dovey sense...but perfect that their completely open and honest with each other.Well...girl and boy are happy,but long to meet each other.And so they do.And oh my ghods.It's like hevean on earth.Boy and girl click great and everything is nice,then boy goes home.Girls is sad.Boy is sad.But they get throw it,and mange to meet each other again soon.But then...things get icky.Boy promieses girl to see her on there anivery.But things go wrong and boy spends his money and girl is hurt.But girl is forgiving and understanding and things go on.And there relationship slowly becomes harder and harder.5 months go by..then 5 more.Boy is planning to come see girl.But girl stops him for fear of...Strict parents,and for fear that feelings might have changed over the year.Girl did this dispite the fact that she knew that it was veyr important to boy.And boy gets hurt.(I know this is long but here's the juciy part so hang in there.)Boy gets invited to go wit a few friend to vist some mutal friends of both the girl and the boy in another state.Boy goes.Girl wants boy to go but she is a touch jealous.And due to not seeing him because of her own fault she is a quite a bit emtionail depressed.Boy goes.Boy meets another girl.Boy and this girl hit it off.Really well.Boy and this other girl flirt and evenutlly land in bed together.(Keep in mind the boy and girl haven't slept together.) Girl is upset because boy forgot to call her from montrel.Girl and boy fight.Boy dumps girl.Girl is very hurt.Boy leave other girl.Nothing becomes of there sleeping together and they remain friend.One week later,boy spontaneous comes and see's girl.Girl and boy fall apart upon seeing each other....Boy and girl hug and kiss.don't sleep together bu cuddle a lot and talk.Girl is happy because she';s missed him.And wants him back.Girl and boy part for the night,girl is excited because boy talked about wanting her back.Next day boy and girl talk again....and boy says he wants to have fun and date.But boy doesn't want to have to deal with the distance anymore.So girl and boy fight.Girl hugs and kisses boy one last time and then runs away.Girls is once again very hurt after thinking that she had had him back.But..ironicly girl still loves boy.Boy is best friend girl ever had.And girl is the same for boy.Boy turns back as girl leaves,then boy realizes that he want to date and have fun and stuff...but he wants to do those things with girl.And only girl.Boy goes home and calls girl and tells her he wants her back.Girla dn boy talk for quite some time and get back together.Things get better.But girl is becoming...jealous of all boys friends now.And girl is having a hard time getting the fling with the other girl out of her head.Girl is also becoming insecure ..afraid boy will change his mind again.Girl has told all this stuff to boy.Boy helps some.But girl is still slightly confussed about things.End of story.:)I just want some advice on the situation.Something anything.

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I understand how girl feels, Girl needs to ignore all the guy friends and trust Boy again. It may cause heart break but the only way to really get into a good realtionship is to give your heart fully. Also remember that no good relationship is without fights, its like the spice in the love pot I suppose. That fling with the other girl has to be forgotten as well, many people say that if a guy cheats once don't forgive him and move on but I know different. You can forgive him but if he does cheat again that's different. He was an online boyfriend that you met irl much later it sounds like you both are doing well so keep it up and don't get jealous so easily.

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Well,Boy say that it will never happen again.And girl believes him.But girl kinda gets worried that next time they meet that she might feel like she has an obligation that she shold sleep with him.Boy would never push her into that but still.Things have gotten better lately and girl is getting this jealous thing under control.Boy is being very nice and suportive.Thank you for the compliment,girla dn boy hope to be doing nothing but better.;)One last thing.Girl was not so much worried that boy would cheat on her again as she was...well...girl is slightly shy.But this doesn't mean she hasn't wanted a wonderful night with boy since the get go.But do to the distance..and there being really catious because it's such a cool relationship...the right time hasn't shown up.Girl I suopse was just upset that other girl at least got a portion..(Small portion because girl definatly wants more then just sex.) of what girl has wanted for nearly a year and a half.girl just has trouble...standing the thought.And putting it out of her head.Buuuuut...Girl's feeling much better though.And things are getting much better.Thanks you very much Dove.:)

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