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a general observation on reconciliations - female dumpees have edge over male dumpees

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after reading most of these posts, i have come to the conclusion that if girls are the ones that are dumped, they have a significantly better chance of getting their ex back compared to guys being the ones dumped. in general, if a girl is dumped by a guy, the guy that dumped her will usually take her back in the end because it is much more difficult for guys to get play; so natually they go back to the woman they dumped. the opposite is true about guys being the ones dumped. if a guy is dumped by a girl, he is much less likely to get his ex back because she is a girl and by default can garner much more attention from the male community; thus she has much less reason to plead and beg for the guy she dumped to take her back.


so i guess women dumpees should take solace in this, and guy dumpess should just hate this observation (i know i hate it).


feel free to refute me. i would love to be proven wrong, but unfortunately i truly belive this to be the case (based on my observations).

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Really?......I always thought if the guy was the dumper that it means he truly is done - and it's highly unlikely he would want the girl back.

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If you break up with somebody, that should be it. If somebody breaks up with you, that should be it. If you get back together, then fine. But if things were going so bad that a breakup was called for, then both should move on.


Anybody who gets right back into another relationship immediately after a break up, whether it be male or female, is emotionally unstable....unless the previous relationship was just a terrible joke. Feeling people can't emotionally heal in a short time, whether they are male or female.


Either sex is capable of getting into another relationship, for whatever reason, but if it's done right away it's usually to drown their pain and nobody wins in that situation.


Either sex is equally capable of being unstable enough to want to dive into another relationship right after a break up and to actually do so. It's a pretty crazy thing to do, in my opinion, if the person knows what healthy relationships are all about.

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Hmmm...that is an interesting observation...


I sort of thought it might be the other way around.


Just because women are (generally I think) more emotionally attached, more emotional people. I would think it would make it harder for them to get back with the man because when I think of men dumpers I think of how they are usually able to mentally disconnect from the relationship easier than the woman would. (maybe I am mistaken?)


Also, women can find SEX easier ...yes.


But a meaningful relationship? not sure about that. Reason being that women tend to become attached emotionally more so they will stay emotionally invested in the ex relationship more.


Just my observation...

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you also did not mention that 80% of the time it is the woman that leaves the man, be it marriage or dating.

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Originally posted by alphamale

you also did not mention that 80% of the time it is the woman that leaves the man, be it marriage or dating.


Please, let´s burn all the witches as they are the source of all evil in this world. Your comments do start to become annoying.

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Originally posted by kooky

Please, let´s burn all the witches as they are the source of all evil in this world. Your comments do start to become annoying.


It is a fact that 75-80% of divorces are initiated by the woman. Look it up.

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I don´t know if the numbers are correct or not, but you know what, maybe you should also cite why they leave. Claiming that women are the source of evil in this world slowly becomes pretty boring.

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Originally posted by kooky

I don´t know if the numbers are correct or not, but you know what, maybe you should also cite why they leave. Claiming that women are the source of evil in this world slowly becomes pretty boring.


I have said no such thing whatsoever that women are evil. I have stated a fact only.

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Originally posted by alphamale



I have said no such thing whatsoever that women are evil. I have stated a fact only.



Cite your sources then. I'm inviting you to do so.

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Cite your sources then. I'm inviting you to do so.


I am sure you have access to the internet, look it up yourself.

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Hey smartass, when you make a claim it is YOUR job to provide sources, not mine.


This is not a claim it is common knowledge. It is not my fault you don't know it.

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Originally posted by alphamale

This is not a claim it is common knowledge. It is not my fault you don't know it.


Common knowledge??? What a crap.

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Originally posted by alphamale



This is not a claim it is common knowledge. It is not my fault you don't know it.



I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know how you survive with that attitude in the D. Metro Detroit women (including myself) are crazy and I'm surprised one of us hasn't knocked your block off.

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