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She's With Him Right Now

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I have a GPS tracker both in her car (which is mine, but she drives it) and on her cellphone. She parked at her gym, then rode with the guy down to the beach.


Here is the background:




She is supposed to meet me at home in 1 hour because we have free movie passes tonight. I can't believe this. When I knew, my heart seized into a tight fist, even though I known this has been going on a couple of weeks now. She must be a sociopath because she is not letting on anything is wrong.


How long can I feign ignorance until I tell her I know everything? When would be the right time? It has to be when I'm ready to walk out the door, forever, but how can you ever prepare for that?

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Calm down.

Be cool calm and dispassionate.

When she gets home ask her if there is anything you would like to tell me.

If she lies just say again firm but not yelling, I know where you have been pack your ***** and and move in with so and so.


You will look more attractive in her eyes if you stay strong more importantly you will have your self respect.

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She parked at her gym, then rode with the guy down to the beach.
Drive to the beach and take pictures of them. Take pictures as you walk up on them after they have been inappropriate. Put the camera in a safe place before they get too close. Tell your wife that movie night is off as you will be filing for divorce. Then tell the other man to careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and that a cheater is a cheater no matter who they currently are with. Then walk away and go to the movies or to a friends house. Stay calm and strong even if it is just for show in front of them. Do not take her calls or return text messages. I am so sorry that you are here.
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I have a GPS tracker both in her car (which is mine, but she drives it) and on her cellphone. She parked at her gym, then rode with the guy down to the beach.


Here is the background:




She is supposed to meet me at home in 1 hour because we have free movie passes tonight. I can't believe this. When I knew, my heart seized into a tight fist, even though I known this has been going on a couple of weeks now. She must be a sociopath because she is not letting on anything is wrong.


How much pain do you want in your life? The longer your with her the more pain you will have. What are you afraid of "Losing Her?" I'd be more afraid of sharing her with other men. Doesn't sound like she committed to you anymore. You have all the information you need to confront, after all, who do you need to convince? She already knows she's cheating, strangers know she's cheating they even called you to tell you where they cheated, you know she's cheating. Call her out, help her pack. If she cheats on you before you marry guess what she'll do to you after you marry? Protect yourself, protect your finances, change your banking, take back your car. Go to the movie without her.



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If they'll cheat with you they will cheat on you.


I think she just pursues that taboo relationship high a cheater gets.


Dude be happy you found this out before you had kids with her.


I hope you told her to go.

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Look... people are funny. They stay in long term relationships when they are out meeting their exes behind our backs.


Please man, people like this simply need to be shown the door.


These days, there are a lot of sociopaths.


A lot of people don't really have a conscience.


The earlier you pick that up about them, the better.


Why stay with her?


Are you actually going to choose to believe her bullsh*t?



" yeah, so sorry, met my ex behind your back, please forgive me it was nothing"




I have an ex. I love and care for him very much and I always will.


If I am fortunate enough to meet the right guy, I will never meet my ex behind his back. I have grown up enough to put my partners needs ahead of my desire to see an ex.

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Geez she has a kid?


So I guess you were supposed to be the "nice guy" beta provider.


Sorry bro you don't want to play warden find another.

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