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Well I did it...


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Well.. I cheated.. sad part? I don't feel quilty AT ALL. I thought I would feel some sort of guilt or remorse. I don't.


I don't even love the person I cheated on him with, I just like him, he's fun to be around, he knew I was married, but said he didn't care since the way the my now husband treats me and has treated me


Everytime I think about it I think, well the SOB (my H) deserved it after all the cheating he has done and is doing, and how he treats me like a door mat, how the dog gets treated better than me.


I haven't told anyone nor will I... and I doubt the relationship with his guy would ever go further than it already is, I dont want it too... What I do know is I want out of my marriage, asap! As soon as I get on my feet finacially I'm gone, hopefully that will be very very soon.


Its been a week since I cheated, why don't I feel guilty? I literally feel nothing at all.


Its so out of character for me.. I'm the sweet little cookie cutter wife that most guys expect. I never imagined EVER that I would cheat.. It never crossed my mind before now. its wierd.

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Hello scaredandconfused,


Its been a week since I cheated, why don't I feel guilty? I literally feel nothing at all.


Just check yourself.

I had the same reaction the only time I was unfaithful to my partner.


It took a little while to really be fully present and feel what was going on, where I was at and what the ramifications of my actions were.


that said:


the SOB (my H) deserved it after all the cheating he has done and is doing, and how he treats me like a door mat, how the dog gets treated better than me.


If you really feel that way, why are you continuing the "relationship"?

Do you have children? Do you love him (at all)?

Can you communicate honestly with him? Or is the relationship just running it's course now?


Cheating turns most relationships around one corner or another, things usually change forever from that point on, even if you can't see it yet.


Good Luck.

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Hi again,


I've just read your OP a little more thoroughly:


I want out of my marriage, asap! As soon as I get on my feet finacially I'm gone.


Well at least you know what you want!


Do you think the infidelity was a catalyst for you feeling so definite about your marriage being over? I think I get the impression it's been coming for a long time...

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i think debster may have a good point in that you've already left the marriage emotionally, but i know you also said that the SOB deserved it. could you have also just done this for revenge? from what i understand, that's fairly common.

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So.. what did this cheating do for you? You feel better now after you got your 'revenge'? Is this what you seek? Is this going to make your husband treat you any better? Have some pride within' yourself and leave this marriage knowing you tried everything in your power to get it working again. Not by spreading your legs for some guy who doesn't care about you. I don't see how that is improving your own self-respect, you are just disrespecting yourself more than what your husband has done to you.


Don't you realize you have whored and disrespected yourself because of the disrespect your husband has given you? You don't need your husband to make you feel bad, you are now slowly self-destructing.


Having sex with guys is not going to solve your problem. Go see a counselor immediately and build up your own self-worth and confidence. You don't need a guy for you to be able to feel that.

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