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this chick

E-lie cocktoaster

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E-lie cocktoaster

ok, i met this chick about 8 months ago. She has a wonderful personality and is VERY beautiful. We talk often on the telephone, and usually for hours. By the way, im 24 and she's 18. We have been just friends and we have only been out once. we both have busy schedules(work, school, etc.) I kinda for a good while, acted like i didn't have a whole lot of interest in her. Probably because i was at the time, going out alot and seeing several differents girls.(but i didn't tell her that, i just didn't call her all the time.) But now, im really starting to like her more and more. I haven't really had a steady girlfriend in a good while, probably because i haven't really been looking. Anyway, i really like her alot and i would love to start seeing her more and maybe starting something with her. Im kinda possitive that she likes me. She calls me alot, and she gives me signs that indicates that she likes me. I know she is kinda young, but after being friends with her for so long, i have gotten to know her. She is a wonderful person. My problem is, im not sure what to do now. I really like her alot. Should i maybe ask her out to a movie this weekend or something? How do i let her know that im interested in her? I don't want to mess anything up between me and her, thats why im asking for your alls advise. Please help!!!!!!

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If you feel she could possibly care about you more than a friend, you should ask her out...definitely. But make it a friendship thing...no hassles, no pressure.


Spend some time with her doing things as a friend. You will get a window of opportunity to upgrade the friendship to more if you pay attention and do so when you get the cue.


I promise you that if she enjoys your company, she will definitely date you. But don't see her too often as a friend. And don't wait too long...maybe a month...to let her know you feel like there could be more to this and you would like to explore that possibility.


Very gradually say things...and do things of a flirtatious nature. Be very low key at first...and build up from there.


Relationships that have a sound base of friendship and the very best and last the longest. Best of luck to you.

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