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Need some virtual shoulders

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I have been married 6 years, together for 13 years. Ups and downs, sometimes more downs than ups. Like he doesn't want babies and I do. I am mostly frustrated because of this but I have tried to accept it. We hardly communicate and he is always at work and both of us have stopped making an effort. Lately i have been having multiple crushes on co workers, like one after the other in quick succession. But I only look and have never acted on it. Until this time. This much older and married man with salt n' pepper hair (i have a huge thing for salt n pepper hair). I flashed big flirtatious smiles at him when we crossed in the hallway. After that, he seems to never miss an opportunity to glance in my direction. So yeah, I initiated this whole flirting business and now he reciprocates. We have not spoken except about work and that too very briefly. I would like to end this here and not continue with the frequent eye contact that's happening. He was out of office this week and I was missing him. Not looking to start an affair but loving the attention which I am not getting from my husband. Just wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening. :)

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OK, I know you said you want it to end there and you're just getting things off your chest but I have to put in my 2 cents...


Careful, careful, careful! This is a much older and as you said MARRIED man. You do NOT want to be the other woman!! Please take a chance to talk to your husband! Extramarital affairs are, in my opinion, SELFISH. Think of it: does he have kids? You'll hurt his kids if you cheat with him. You'll hurt his (most likely) innocent wife. You will hurt your husband. You could hurt yourself as well... Just think about it! You also have a very good chance of hurting your job!!!!


Your husband probably doesn't even know that you're feeling so unloved! Why don't you try talking to him before you ruin such a long term relationship? There is marital counseling available!


I'm really not trying to judge you, I understand that excitement and feeling you get when flirting or having a crush... but honestly, you either need to work it out or get out of the relationship before you start looking around. You also need to understand to not trust a man who is looking for something outside of his marriage.

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