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I hate this! Someone slap me!!!

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Due to my hurt in the past im insecure i will not deny it all all............im looking ofr some advice. I would rather come here get some reassurance then bug my bf


Just talked to my bf...he is doing the wings and beer for chritmas with the guys from his work ...about 6 of them is all there is in the family company.....So i say have a good time and....he says i will try to call u later we will see (fist of all i hate that cause my father always said "we'll see" and never did anything with me growing up......so here i am thinking ok u are leaving now...what r u having wings and beer for 12 hours.........rememebr thinking thinking not saying this to him......why cant he phone me after is he going to be out with someone else....like people reason with me here

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