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Does a violent girl turns worst as an adult?


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Hi I'm studying psychology and I'm currently in sophomore year. While I do know that boys who were violent or abused in the past are more like to become abusers as adult, I'm wondering if that's the same for disturbed and/or violent girls.


The reason I'm asking is because about 5 years ago when I was 16, there used to be a very violent girl who was my neighbor and she was only 10. She would get into several fights at school, kicked a boy once in his privates as a prank and got suspended for that, caught her once hitting a younger kid and I intervened and would chase cats with a stick or broom (twice, she was hitting one and wouldn't stop till I stopped her). Her parents were divorced and the mother was sometimes absent minded and at times would come home late at night.


The following year, she had to get changed to another school for causing too much trouble even though she was actually a good academically. It's like she was the one of the meanest kid ever. I tried talking to her once and asked why she was doing that and the only answer I got from her was I don't know, it's just fun. I like it. and would just start grinning and laughing.


A couple months later of that year, the mother and her moved somewhere else and I never heard from her again. She must now be 15-16 years old. I'm wondering if she got better and eventually change or is the same mean person she was as a kid?? I've never seen a mean and cruel kid like that. When I would speak to her, it was as if she was in her world and no one nor anything meant anything to her. She liked doing those things for no reason.

Edited by AriesLorrie
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There's actually statistics which show that, in America, violence perpetrated by women is actually on the rise; while violence perpetrated by men is on the decline. (Men still are charged with more violent crimes per year than women, but the gap is getting narrower.)

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There's actually statistics which show that, in America, violence perpetrated by women is actually on the rise; while violence perpetrated by men is on the decline. (Men still are charged with more violent crimes per year than women, but the gap is getting narrower.)
I really feel sad for her. How can a kid, esp a little girl at that age be that violent and show no emotions at all? I've never seen her cry nor heard her apologize (very cruel kid indeed). Edited by AriesLorrie
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I really feel sad for her. How can a kid, esp a little girl at that age be that violent and show no emotions at all? I've never seen her cry nor heard her apologize (very cruel kid indeed).


How can a 10 year old kid behave that way? Lack of parental guidance. Absent mother. Who knows what mom was doing when she was pregnant with her. Drug and alcohol use can cause behavioral problems.


She could be attention seeking. She can't verbalize or express emotions in a healthy manner because she doesn't know how. She can't feel empathy because of repressed anger due to her home situation. Lashes out and hurts people because that's the only way she knows how to channel and find relief from her bad emotions. Who knows.


I don't think at 10 she seeks to be cruel but at that age, they don't have the skills to cope with the burdens that they feel. My gf has a 10 year old that goes into fits of rage. When he is calm, he says he doesn't know how to control it and he just snaps. When he does rage, it is frightening to see. At 12 he is going to anger management classes. I wouldn't judge the girl that way as being cruel. She was only 10. I do hope that she has gotten the help she needs by now to change her mindset.

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Sometimes, girls (and boys) who act out against animals and other people like that are being sexually abused.


I don't know anything about the statistics of violence as an adult for women though.

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I really feel sad for her. How can a kid, esp a little girl at that age be that violent and show no emotions at all? I've never seen her cry nor heard her apologize (very cruel kid indeed).



She is a psychopath. Likely one of her parents is a psychopath, hence the broken home.


Nothing anyone can do really, she was born to be this way.

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She is a psychopath. Likely one of her parents is a psychopath, hence the broken home.


Nothing anyone can do really, she was born to be this way.

Just what I thought. If she's a psychopath then no, there is no cure for her. The worst that can happen is she'll probably end up like those women who tell cops that her kid has been kidnapped by a black man or make a husband raise another man's child while living off his money.
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Just what I thought. If she's a psychopath then no, there is no cure for her. The worst that can happen is she'll probably end up like those women who tell cops that her kid has been kidnapped by a black man or make a husband raise another man's child while living off his money.


That, or she will become a:



Serial Killer


Police Officer



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Abuse did not cause her condition (unless her brain was damaged)


but an abused psychopathic child often takes it out on the rest of the world, for the rest of their life.

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Abuse did not cause her condition (unless her brain was damaged)


but an abused psychopathic child often takes it out on the rest of the world, for the rest of their life.

The sad reality is certain people are really bad seeds from their early years and a dysfunctional family + abuse is the perfect ingredient for such damaged child. That girl might not display the exact direct aggression she did as a child (maybe might not even hit others nor hurt animals anymore) but still play with people's emotions and lied her way through deception, false promises, steal money from others, etc.


I don't think they change but they learn to cover their lies so well. All they change is their outer shell, nothing more and do things in a more subtle manner.

Edited by Dan.90
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My gf has a 10 year old that goes into fits of rage. When he is calm, he says he doesn't know how to control it and he just snaps. When he does rage, it is frightening to see. At 12 he is going to anger management classes.
Sorry to hear that. I hope he gets the help he needs. Is he having problems at school? Sometimes that might be one factor, esp if peers are giving him a hard time. With counseling, I'm sure he'll want to express what he can't at home.

I wouldn't judge the girl that way as being cruel. She was only 10. I do hope that she has gotten the help she needs by now to change her mindset.
I hope so too. I would be good if I heard an update about her. The irony is she was great at school. A couple times she made it to the Principal's honor roll (that's when you get all A's) and other times the superior honor roll as she would show it to me several times. That's the shocking part. A child that is smart, yet angry and acting out towards others.
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She is a psychopath. Likely one of her parents is a psychopath, hence the broken home.


Nothing anyone can do really, she was born to be this way.

I like to think that everyone has hope of rehabilitation as kids, that no one is born bad. I still think it's your upbringing that shapes you mainly. I would feel kind of guilty if she grows up to be a bad person as an adult since I should have done more to help her out at the time. Hopefully this isn't true and she solved her past issues.
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I like to think that everyone has hope of rehabilitation as kids, that no one is born bad. I still think it's your upbringing that shapes you mainly. I would feel kind of guilty if she grows up to be a bad person as an adult since I should have done more to help her out at the time. Hopefully this isn't true and she solved her past issues.


I know how you feel. I believed that everyone had some good in them and could be reasoned with on some emotional level.


After being on the receiving end of several psychopaths' sick manipulations, my wife and I have come to recognize the ones in our lives and the ones we have crossed paths with whether they be bosses, family, friends, or neighbors. Once I started learning about psychopaths, my view of humanity changed. I was able to accept how so much evil can occur.


It's a difficult concept to envision, one where babies are born psychopaths. It sounds like a nightmare, but all it means is that they were born without the emotional part of their brain functioning properly. Nothing more. It just is that way. Expect that if they grow up angry and resentful, there will be some price that someone, somewhere will pay for it.


Even if you give them a good life, they always have the capability to hurt people without fear, remorse or empathy. They choose widely varying paths in life so there really isn't any area of life where psychopaths do not exist. Heroes, villains, cops, robbers, priests, athiest, kings, peasants, warriors, and scholars.


Of course this is being debated by that scientist or this specialist, but I'm convinced and am on the side of Nature, not nurture, when it comes to how psychopaths come to exist. However, it is nurture, ie their environment and upbringing, that shapes how they treat the world.


She seems content and perfectly fine doing whatever she pleases, however sick and mean a normal person views it.


Psychopaths have a big egos and believe themselves better than everyone else. The saying that bullies just have low self-esteem is a big lie. Bullies are usually psychopaths who don't care if they hurt other kids. They might even find it amusing.

Edited by AShogunNamedMarcus
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