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How does someone like this exist

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So about a month ish or so ago I met a guy lets call him Trent. He was recently separated ( I know red flag). However, when first speaking to him I didn't have intentions of wanting to date we met on my birthday two months prior so he was just a friend. Well, texting led to flirting, flirting led to us going on dates, and then that led us on kind of dating non exclusively.


Call me odd because when I am "talking" to someone I don't really talk to anyone else. I know that you're allowed to, but I think thats #*$!ing with people's emotions. However, through some cell numbers (I know bad!!) I found him sexting and flirting with other girls.


My clingy-ness which I don't think I was clingy he proclaims the fact I couldn't stop bringing up his ex (which is true I couldn't get over it) is what made me clingy. And started to wear down on whatever we had.


I eventually told him I knew of the girls hes been talking to, and he re- proclaims that I can't get mad. And he mentions how he met this fake boobed, blonde girl, who about to get a nose job, porn looking star chick ( yes I am bitter, but its true she looks like Lady Gaga/Hooker) on halloween and they made out, but he wouldn't date her cause shes too "fake".


So, the last time I hung out with him was last Friday. He was acting super attentive, told us we look good together, talking about futuristic travel plans between us etc etc. We also hooked up (not the first time).


Rolls around Sunday. Fake blonde girl was blowing up his facebook non stop ( I thought dudes hate this). So I asked him if they're talking..and he tells me yes. I blow up on him. And the last thing said to me was, "I have feelings, not the same feelings. I am attracted to you yes, but I can't have a relationship with you". Now homegirl is at his place...posting photos of them together, and more stuff about them on fb. I just find this disgusting. How can a person literally hook up with someone a week ago, and then just flaunt this girl in front of everyone.


Heartbroken :(

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You're not alone in dating one person at a time, I have never "been seeing" more than one guy at a time, and of the men I have dated only one has done this. Surprise! He was very insecure.


The reason that Trent can "do that to someone" is because he only cares about Number 1, and if Number 1 wants to get laid, then who gives a rat's about the other person in the equation. Not an uncommon problem, I'm afraid. But again, a big waving red flag for insecurity.


Furthermore, the fact that Trent is happy to pose with this girl suggests he wants a bit of arm candy - you know, to assuage his low self-esteem. Both you and this girl are getting a raw deal, and the best thing to do is to leave Trent to it.

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Look, I get the jealous feelings, but I don't understand why you agreed to be in a non exclusive relationship if you can't handle it.

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I never agreed... we only dated for a month...I stupidly thought I was the only girl he was talking to...but I was wrong. So near the end of the month I asked for clarity..and boy did I get it.

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