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Should I Be Worried?

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Alright, I've been cheated on before. It sucked.


Anyway, I just found out today that my girlfriend HAS cheated on guys in the past (not me). Back in middle school, but that's when Katie (ex that cheated on me) first cheated on a guy. She told me this today and I said 'my entire opinion of you has changed' even though I still trust her. She told me she would never do that to me and swore on her life. I said 'but you told me that's something you could never do' and she responded with, 'that's because I felt like crap after I did it.' That's what Katie told me to, she cried about it and everything and she still did it again.


Anyway, I'm not that worried, but should I be?

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I think you are to young to spend you time worrying about wheather or not she may or may not cheat. Enjoy your time together and try not to worry about something that may or may not happen. Hopefully she wont, but if so chalk it up to experience and move on. Sorry if that sounds harsh but sometimes thats the way life is and we have to accept things. Good luck.

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True, I guess if she cheats on me I can tell myself she wasn't worth my time in the first place, but I don't want to deal with the pain of being cheated on again.

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green eyed ann

I'm sorry you're involved with someone that's cheated before. It seems like once you've cheated on someone, you may not feel so bad about doing it again. But, if she wants to make it work with you and she was honest about telling you about it in the first place, then maybe with her things could be different.


I just think you should protect yourself. Maybe take a little bit of a step back in how much you invest in her and just be careful. Let your trust in her build overtime. If you become suspicious that she could be cheating on you as well - I'd end the relationship immediately. If she doesn't, you'll just grow to trust her and build a stronger relationship.

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As of now I trust her implicity, when I'm with her she acts like there's no other guy in the world, if that makes sense.


She doesn't flirt or anything, she has a jealousy problem like I do, and even though I trust her completely now there's always that doubt in your mind once you've been burned you are going to have the "what-if" in the back of your mind for a very long time.

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