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What it all means

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Just something I just do not get it.


Whenever a gal rejects me, I will just end the friendship right there.

And the problem is that, everyone tells me that ending a friendship like this

is a big No No in society today. This is something I just don't understand.


And also many times after a gal rejects me, they always tell me that they

do not want to lose me. What does she mean by that?

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First of all, I don't know these situations well enough -- are these "friends" that you're asking out?


personally, if some girl is not interested in me and i'm interested in them, it is best to just end the situation because from that point on the relationship is all weird. It's just easier.


I don't know who these people are who claim to have a take on "the way things are in society today" but my bet is that they're probably miserable and wondering why nobody listens to them.


Do what's right by you.

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Originally posted by ed_stevens

And also many times after a gal rejects me, they always tell me that they

do not want to lose me. What does she mean by that?


They don't want to be the 'bad guy' and they don't want to hurt you - and are letting you down easy.


"I want to be just friends and I don't want to lose you" can be loosely translated as "I am hoping that you won't think I'm a jerk for rejecting you, so I'm offering you a chance to hang around with me on a non-romantic basis to make it look less like an outright rejection."

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