firemanq Posted November 16, 2013 Share Posted November 16, 2013 By now, you may have wadded through my previous post about the x-wife and x-mother-in-law. Before we left Jayme's house, she asked if I would meet with the two children that still believe I am evil and there mother is an angel. The oldest child, Kerri, came back to this area to visit her mother. If I wanted to see her, I had to travel 90 miles to her mothers house. She also told me that she wanted to borrow $350.00 because they did not think the trip from California would cost so much, and they were short of funds. I felt uncomfortable being in the x-wifes house, but went. I gave Kerri the $350.00, she promised to pay after they returned home. Of course I have never seen the money nor did I receive any kind of thank you. I felt I had to pay to see my daughter. I was really pissed when I found her husband bought a motorcycle and rode it back to California. She had learned to lie from her mother. The youngest child is a boy, Adam. Too bad he learned from his mother. He has a son, who I have seen once in 5 years. And that was while I was working in another town. I walked by a car, and someone said my name. I turned and saw a very pretty lady. She called me by name and said she was my son's mother-in-law. Well, former in-law, but she and her family still consider my son as part of the family. Adam's x-wife was/is a cheater. Anyway, she had my grandson with her and we talked for a bit. ADam worked for me for a year. When he left, he left w/o notice. He left the company cell phone, his work shirts on the back porch. He also took 3 gallon jars of silver coins with him. He also left owing money to different people around town. When he came to work for me, I loaned him $5,000.00 so he could get out of debt. He paid about 1/2 of the loan, through pay-roll deductions. He told his oldest sister that he gave notice. I gave her my version. Adam is his mothers child, lies, does not pay his bills (except child support. He pays that even when he is not allowed to see his son) Now Jayme wants us to meet at her house and see if we can get our relationship back on track. I have doubts, I feel I have been **** on by those two. I do not trust them. They are too much like their mother. And, based upon her lies and actions, I still am not sure if I am their bio-dad. I did ask their mother, and she was shocked I would question her faithfulness. Do I risk getting crapped on yet once more, or do I man up and make an effort? Link to post Share on other sites
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