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Should I ask her out again???

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Hi everyone,


Thanks for taking the time to read this. I need a couple second opinions on this.


Too make a long story short, I met an absolutely amazing girl in one of my elective classes who is four years younger than me. (I'm 22, she's 18.) I started talking to her in class, got her number, studied together a couple of times and then asked her on a semi-date. (We went kayaking on a lake near our school.) Everything seemed to go okay (we spent almost three hours together, not the one hour I had planned, and it was her choice to keep going!).


I talked to her on the phone the next day, saw her in class on Tuesday and walked her to her dorm, saw her on Thursday and again walked her to her dorm and everything seemed fine. Here's where it gets interesting...


Since I knew she was a big fitness person, I told her I was going hiking that weekend and asked if she would like to come with me. She wasn't familiar with the mountain, so I told her how close it was to the campus. (About a twenty minute drive on the freeway.) Then she got really nervous, started to blush and said quickly said that she couldn't go and goodnight and walked away.


My first reaction was that she just decided that even though we had a lot of fun kayaking, she wasn't interested in going any further. We didn't really talk a whole lot after that, but over the last month it seems like things between us started to get better. She started talking to me again, she sat next to me in class again, I called her and she agreed to get together to study again, etc. This is exactly what we did right before I asked her out the first time!


Should I give it another shot? Any advice on how I can get a better idea about how she feels? (She's the only freshman in the class and I don't know any of her friends.) Any help would be greatly appricated!

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It sounds like she might already have a bf and went kayaking that one time b/c she thought it was platonic and you gave vibes that you were interested in her and she felt bad b/c she felt like she mislead you (which could be why she avoided you for a while -- nothing to do with you but she just felt bad about the situation).


I say just kick back and let the tension ease up a bit and keep the possibility of her having a bf (or someone she's already interested in) in mind. If you end up doing stuff with her, take it on a platonic level. And don't pressure her for another "date" -- it usually puts a strain on any friendship that might be there. It makes me feel really bad when I think I'm doing something w/ a guy on a platonic level and he thinks we're on a date and the whole thing turns out to be a misunderstood mess. This sounds like that kind of situation.


Don't take it personally. It has nothing to do with anything you did. It's probably more to do with the surrounding circumstances in her life.

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she wants to be "friends" w/ you.


i would suggest you not be friends with her if you like her romantically cause this will make it harder for you to find someone more appropriate.

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