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Is this going anywhere

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So there is this girl I have been dating or have been seeing at school for about a 1.5 months - 2 months. Started as friends and within three weeks of knowing her we made out and she slept over at my place. No sex. I felt that during one of the times she slept over and made out, it was a good time to tell her that I liked her. She told me she didn't know how she felt and she had uncertain feelings and that she was very insecure. She said lets take baby steps to dating and slow. She wasn't ready for a relationship anytime soon. I agreed. So I backed off the physical and took her on nice dates such as dining, hiking, movies etc. Haven't kissed her yet since the talk but would a woman keep going on dates with a man if she has no interest at all? Every time we go out she mentions she had a amazing or great time with me. I don't know if this should bug me but she tells people we are friends instead of "were talking". I want to pursue her and get her but need the right tools. And everyone at our school is telling her "JUST DATE HIM ALREADY" "HES SUCH A GOOD GUY" . Don't know if thats helping or hurting either.

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And hardly does she say no to a date or to hang out. I was just wondering would persistance hurt or help me? I have only known her for two months so spending time with her would let her know me.

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