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Low mood after party/sex

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I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. It could fall into any number of categories.


So last night I held a small party/get-together with my friends. I haven't hosted anything before so it was a first. It was a really great night, and I've never been so drunk. The buzz was brilliant and I've not had that much fun in a long long time.

They all stayed at mine and one of the girls shared my bed. We had sex. It was the first time for me since february and a very nasty break-up. She's just a friend and it hasn't affected us at all.

But it was kind of a reminder of what I was missing out on, the intimacy and what it's like having someone special, but of course I don't have someone because it was a one night stand.


This evening I am shattered because I only had 4 hours sleep and I'm feeling quite down and anxious as well. Is this normal? Is it the alcohol leaving my body or has something triggered my depression off that I got over a few months ago? Any ideas? I hate feeling like this

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No, no...you're fine. Just really hungover...I promise same thing happens to me.


Lack of sleep & drinking, especially heavy the night before makes me feel bad the next day. Depressed/anxious...it's common.


You especially feel this way when you've been under any kind of emotional stress.


Alcohol DOES make anxiety & depression worse just takes a day or 2 after.


But it sure does work wonders in the moment!! lol :laugh:

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