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Having sex, and with whom, is probably the most lied about topic on planet. Asking him won't necessarily get you an honest response.


Assess what you found, and where you found it. You found thm in the desk drawer, not the bedside table, not the bathroom. Is the desk chair comfy? Is there a phone, or computer, handy? If so, he probably uses them for cyber or phone sex.

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some men use condoms with sex toys, and for masturbation because its tidier......


that said though, I guess if he was one of them you'd already know about it.

I would definitely ask - if the two of you are to have any chance going forward you need to be able to talk about doubts like this openly and honestly or you'll end up just waiting for him to cheat on you like he cheated on his wife with you

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I'd be more concerned that he's sleeping with other people instead of sleeping with his STBX. She was over a month ago and you just found them now?


Tell him exactly what you told us, you were looking for a piece of paper, not snooping, and the condoms were right there.

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This is an unfortunate reminder that we're all human and some people who otherwise may not wish to continue with each other have the psychology to engage in sexual relations regardless of other proprieties, as well as engage in relations with randoms, a common occurrence for 'separated' people.


When was his last STD panel?


It sounds like you don't want to confront but it sounds like this is a guy you're interested in long-term with, so issues like this are relationship issues and deserve resolution.


I'd simply lay out the facts (evidence) and watch the response. Talk little; listen a lot.


Get a STD panel done, with a followup scheduled. Good luck.

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