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Strong and intense connection at first sight. ?

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The connection is strong, it occurs randomly, you both lock eyes, and from that moment on you find yourself captivated by them and you cannot stop thinking about them. It's as if you are metal being pulled by a magnet. It's not sexual or physical attraction, although you do find them physically attractive, but the minute you get to know them, you find yourself really attracted to who they are as a person. Their personality is very lovely and their presence is comforting and you both get a long extremely well, but fail to tell each other how you truly feel. Words don't suffice, but body language and eye contact says it all. Unspoken attraction, maybe? It almost feels supernatural. You encounter coincidences and synchronicities out of your control that seem to draw you together.


Has anyone experienced this before? It's a beautiful situation, I'll tell, but very confusing if you are too shy and the person you are drawn to is too shy to really admit how they feel about you.


Initially when I started my job, I locked eyes with my trainer and from that moment on, what I wrote above transpired. It was such a very strong connection, which all happened four years ago, but I still have feelings for him and whenever we encounter each other it's like we can read the vibe and both sense each other being captivated by one another. When we worked together we got a long very well, he was always so kind and patient and helpful and although he has a good rapport with people and most people like him, he always seemed to treat me differently and go above and beyond for me and I would do the same for him. He'd share stories with me that he claimed didn't tell anyone else. He'd share books with me from his personal library. To make a long story short, we just clicked the moment we met. However, I moved to a different department and didn't speak to him verbally for 2 years, but we would run into each other occasionally and sparks would go off.


He's different now. A lot more reserved but expresses how he feels through eye contact and body language but it confuses me. Not sure what to think about this situation but it's been four years and I don't understand why I am so drawn to him. Some days he randomly pops up in my mind and I can't stop thinking about him or he'll pop up in my dreams. It would be dreams of me and him hugging, bonding, conversing, and just having a good time ...just the two of us. And on those days where I have dreams about him I normally always run into him.


The last time we worked together on a project, he would come extremely close to me, shoulder to shoulder, and wouldn't say a word. Or, we would be working then randomly turn towards each other and lock eyes then shift our gazes. Wherever I was in the room, he appeared. And wherever he was, I would appear. It continued on, but nothing was said.


I can't get him off my mind. I think about him all the time.

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