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Soft play the only way

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Hi guys


I mentioned before that I was looking to meet up with the ex to discuss Christmas plans regards our little boy, when am I getting him during the holidays etc. Well, she wasn't willing to meet up alone. The only way she will meet up is to have our son there. I felt that nothing constructive was happening over the telephone ir FaceTime as we just end up arguing, but as we have a son together, there are things wee need to discuss.


So, it seems that this coming weekend we are going to be taking our son to a large soft play area, local to me. To give our son his mum and dad in one place to play with him but also to allow us to have a much needed conversation about not clashing presents for him, who has him Christmas Day etc. does anyone have thoughts on this, is it the right thing to do?

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I think it's good news. A neutral site always works best for everyone.


I'm struggling with the holidays coming as well as I'm in the middle of a divorce. I keep getting stuck in the 180, only to fail (it works), and then restart up again. I try to live in "right now", but that's hard to do for sure.


Don't know what your goal is, but hang in there.

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My main goal isto make sure that The ex and I both have an understanding on how Christmas will go. I need to know when I'm having him during the holidays and also, I don't want the little fella having duplicate presents and being disapointed with having two of the same present. The only way to sort this out is to have a discussion with the ex so that for our son at least, Christmas runs smoothly.


When the ex and I have telephone discussions or facetime discussions, they just seem to degenerate into an argument. I'm hoping that if we are in a public place with our son there, we can have a civil discussion without the argument and resentment showing through.


I do not envisage us patchingup our differences etc and I do see us following thtough to divorce.

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