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Do you think he likes me?

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My ex has been dating this new girl for 5 months now. They have over 100 photos together on fb and seem completely enamored with each other. My ex and I have been talking regularly for 2 months now after 3mo. of NC. He flirts sometimes, and always tell me how much he misses me and how beautiful I look. A couple times he even mentioned about wanting to cuddle, but I shut that down. So yesterday we were talking and randomly he's all over me. Messaging me constantly, said that he wanted to cuddle and even sent me a pic of his abs, then asked if I could send a pic too. I was repulsed by this and stopped talking to him, telling him that he had a gf. Then later that night after talking he said that I was confusing. I asked why, and he said because I flirt and act like I still like him. Then he asked me "do you still like me? Be honest," andI said no. Then he said "ok just checking same" Then he said

"I don't mind if you're flirty, I wouldn't even mind if you still liked me"..Do you guys think that he might still like me? In all honesty after talking to him again I do like him...But I can't say that while he's in a committed relationship. Him and his gf seem so perfect together. Plus by expressing my feelings I'm just asking to get myself hurt.

Edited by Coexist7
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Yes I think he still likes you but he may be in love with his new girlfriend. His ego is testing the waters to see if he can still have sex with you. Like you he wants his ex to still want him.

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If he has another GF already what difference does it make if he still likes you? In this scenario you're the other woman. Do you really want that? Are all of the issues that caused you to break up resolved? If not, what's the point of goin backwards?

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Yes I think he still likes you but he may be in love with his new girlfriend. His ego is testing the waters to see if he can still have sex with you. Like you he wants his ex to still want him.



You guys are right, but how could he be in love with his new girlfriend if he comes onto me so strong? We even planned on hanging out as friends in the next couple wks, and he said that we should go see a movie together and go for a walk in the park...I do but I really don't want to tell him how I feel.

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Until he asks you to be his girl and tells you he is breaking up with his real gf he is just trying to get some "extra" on the side. Why do you want to be involved with a bad boy? There are plenty of other men out there. Don't lower yourself to help another girls boyfriend cheat. Oh, and you are probably not the only other girl he is coming on strong with.

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You guys are right, but how could he be in love with his new girlfriend if he comes onto me so strong? We even planned on hanging out as friends in the next couple wks, and he said that we should go see a movie together and go for a walk in the park...I do but I really don't want to tell him how I feel.


You can't be that gullible.


These type of guys will lay on the charm when they want to rope you into being a piece on the side. And if you give in, a piece on the side you will always be because he will have his gf at home waiting for him and he'll have his fun-fun (which is you) on the side.


And why would you even want to encourage this? If he can do this to his gf, he will not have an issue doing it to you. And it's because you will teach him that you will tolerate this kind of behavior.


You should be repulsed.

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You're being set up to become his side piece. Emphasis on side. Don't you want more for yourself than that? He's being a douche, and you know it.

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You guys are right. My only question is, should I tell her?? He has hurt me multiple times in the past, broken my heart and taken advantage of me by being manipulative. When we dated I was 16 and he was 20 and I had 0 experience with guys. But after a year I've been able to forgive him. But anyways, they've been together for 7 months now, and when we hungout 6 months ago I didn't know they were dating and he cheated on her with me. Also I have messages on my phone of him asking for pictures and wanted to go on a date and I can screenshot these messages. I don't even feel morally right when I see all of this stuff of them together. She has no idea and she thinks he's amazing!

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No, I think you should leave them alone and mind your business. She may not appreciate it and she is his girlfriend not his wife, yet. She will take it as you being jealous because you're not his girlfriend and he will find a way to convince her that this is true. It's best for you to worry about yourself and just move on and not return any contact with this loser.

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Text him and tell him you want to see him. Send a nice picture of your boobs or something.


Then when he responds, don't go see him. Set up his expectations and then make him suffer. That should mess him up in the head pretty good:laugh:

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So, im guessing he cheated/used you and thats why you broke up with him? Now he is cheating on his new girlfriend with you by texting, flirting, actually physically cheated on her with you 6 months ago??? Guy, is a classic spineless cheating male slag, who is probably a sociopath. You sound very young also and a bit immature, i dont mean to be nasty, but you seriously got to wake up, respect your self, and never talk to the prick again. Date someone your own age. This guy is a classic A GRADE LOSER.

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