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Happy horny...huh?! It doesn't add up...


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I met this guy a little over a month ago. We established that we're both attracted to each other and we seem to get along super well. He calls me just about every night (we'll talk for 4-5 hours, sometimes!) and we definitely talk via text everyday. I'll admit I do have a little crush on him, but he insists he sees me as just a friend... He tells me he doesn't want a relationship with anyone at the moment. I respect that. I don't have a problem with just being friends, cause he's a cool guy, very respectful, but in my humble opinion he acts like he's interested in me... I think that just may be how he talks to people and he just likes talking to me, apart from also finding me physically attractive. However, in my mind, when you enjoy someones company thaaaat much and also think they're cute, you have some sort of connection with them, Apparently that's not the case for him? I feel like I don't know up from down! I don't want to stop talking to him, but I don't want to develop real feelings for him either, because he tells me he's not available emotionally and I have to believe what he says.

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Ok, here's a little tidbit that I heard long ago but didn't listen to, and it has led me to where I am right now: WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU WHO THEY ARE, BELIEVE THEM.


If he says he isn't emotionally available, he isn't. Period. When he says he just sees you as a friend, he does. Period.


It sounds like you really like this guy, but in this case I think you'd be better off letting him go. If you've only been talking for a month and he isn't into you "that way" it's probably better, in the long run, to stop being friends now. If you keep going, I fear you'll just get more and more in love with him :(

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I always assume it's code for "I'm still in love with my ex" or "I'm in love with someone I can't have."


Can also be someone who has been hurt and has put up such massive walls they will never, ever let you in.

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