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Channeling the dead through a medium?

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FYI, from my observations the biggest counterfeit of the Holy Spirit is the doctrine of "love" which never mentions sin or judgement.


The very word "holy", as part of the Holy Spirit, refers to righteousness or being without blemish or sin. So therefore how can one claiming to teach by it never even mention the idea of sin? It's called the Holy Spirit, not the Love Spirit. Within holiness, there is found love. But love without conviction and repentance is merely wickedness.


IDK, when I end up in the Divine Woodshed it doesn't feel good, but it is "love"... God really must love me:D

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IDK, when I end up in the Divine Woodshed it doesn't feel good, but it is "love"... God really must love me:D


When God does NOT favor someone, he lets them go and do what they want. Oftentimes they will succeed greatly from a worldly standpoint. Then many even in the church look upon such people and say they are "blessed" by God.


Only those with discernment and wisdom from the Holy Spirit can see the difference. To everyone else, only the flesh and physical world is evaluated and thus their conclusions are wrong.


The Holy Spirit will teach you if you pray for wisdom regarding these things.

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My sister who is not only a devout catholic but a Eucharistic minister sought out one when my sister died.


The woman knew things that she couldn't possibly know. She told my sister that my deceased sister has a job in Heaven...it is to find someone familiar in Heaven to children who are soon to pass. This way when a child dies the first face they will see is a familiar one and they won't be afraid.


My sister died of cancer. She was treated at U of P which is adjoined with Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. Sometimes my sister would get into her own pity party and the one thing that always humbled her was seeing a child suffering with the disease. She had her childhood.


My sister was a special agent, an investigator. She died at home. There is no way this woman could have known that about my sister yet that is the job my sister told her that she had.


She also said she sends songs on the radio to us. And cardinals. And ladybugs.


Do you know my uncle died this month and on the collar of my mother's cousin's jacket was a ladybug. It was stripped of almost all color, it looked yellow and had a ton of spots, but what do you expect a ladybug to look like in the northeast in November?


Anyway, my sister went to Heaven. I knew it the moment she got there because the lights changed for a moment in the room to a dimmer golden yellow, then went back to bright white. Every single light in the room at the same time!


So some people may doubt it or think it's evil or whatever but I'm not one to always see the dark side of things...thank goodness!

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AG, just some ((((((((hugs)))))))) to you, it sounds like you've gone through a lot of loss...

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When God does NOT favor someone, he lets them go and do what they want. Oftentimes they will succeed greatly from a worldly standpoint. Then many even in the church look upon such people and say they are "blessed" by God.


Only those with discernment and wisdom from the Holy Spirit can see the difference. To everyone else, only the flesh and physical world is evaluated and thus their conclusions are wrong.


The Holy Spirit will teach you if you pray for wisdom regarding these things.


Amen M30 and I will pray for wisdom as getting too caught up in this world isn't good because there is no hope (except for Jesus) in this world per se. This world will pass away, but His Kingdom is without end.


Thank you for the encouragement, it was much needed M30:)

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I also read that messing with the spirit world is just plain dangerous. Curious.


Mea :-)


You are correct.

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What do you mean by "messing with" the spiritual world?


The MOST dangerous thing is messing with the FLESH. According to Galatians 6:8, whoever lives by the flesh will reap destruction, while whoever lives by the Spirit (meaning Holy Spirit) will reap eternal life. Paul also told us to have "no confidence in the flesh". Paul said that everything which does not come from faith (via the Holy Spirit) is sin. Lastly, Paul said that you cannot please God in the flesh, but only the Spirit.


This means we absolutely should get involved with the spirit world! Satan is not the king of the spirit world, is he? Why block out the spirit world when the Holy Spirit is the ONLY way to life and truth? No, live BY the Spirit. Just make sure to test them according to Scripture and follow the Holy Spirit, exclusively.


The problem with the modern church is exactly the same problem that Christ encountered with the religious people of his time. They viewed everything through a fleshly, worldly, physical lens--instead of a correct SPIRITUAL lens. Even the modern church interprets "success" in a worldly way. God help us. We have not changed one bit in 2000 years.

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Not sure if this is in the right area. If not feel free to move. A lady I know recently had a live medium. Her child had issues. Very rough life due to his mothers drinking problem, also probably having siblings by many fathers was just plain unstable. He took his life at 22 over the summer. This is a devote Christian so she says with statues of the Virgin mother all over her house. According to what's in the Bible, Leviticus 19:31 "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defied by them." I take this as it defies The Lord. Does anyone know anything about this? I also read that messing with the spirit world is just plain dangerous. Curious.


Mea :-)




Is it plain dangerous? That depends on the psychology of the psychic or medium. And yet, you need to ask this question. Why are people attracted to becoming psychics or mediums? In many cases, they have very "low-self esteem". This gives them the desire to become psychics or mediums so others CAN ADMIRE THEM like movie stars! Especially in the current new age movement where some Gurus and Angel motivational speakers are selling nothing but nonsense to people who basically have low self-esteem.


Does high self-esteem people look for psychics and mediums if they can and have already established communion with the Lord? Why hire someone to talk to God when Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within all of us. He's obviously not full of B.S when he said that.


In certain cases, the lower self-esteem mediums attract lower form of spirits and establish themselves as the undeniable experts and authority on special spirits. What happened then is the lower form of spirits will validate the belief of the lower self-esteem individuals (medium) that their unresolved and unbalanced psychology are correct and will convince these individuals not to transcend beyond their emotional baggage or baggages! Usually, they have quite a few -- but don't we all?


So then, these mediums will attract clients that HAVE SIMILAR issues. After all, like attracts like. A low self-esteem individual usually attract other low self-esteem individual. And what happens next is that, these individuals (client and medium) will self-validate themselves through lower form spirits. The medium will validate that his or her powers are helping people and that the client is finding closure. What is unbeknownst to both of them is that, their self-validating actions actually drive their low self-esteem "LOWER"; to the lowest common denominator. This also applies to Tarot Cards and other Divination tools. A low-self esteem individual ALWAYS drive another individual lower to give them a sense of power, a sense of control. Therefore, it becomes an addiction. The client becomes more dependent upon the medium for advice, because now the client's convinced that there is no other way to resolve the client's emotional baggages other than through the medium. But in hindsight, the medium himself or herself is promoting this action through lower form spirits, so the medium is just a conduit for lower form spirits to get you to NOT communion with God, but rather depends on Satan for your so called divine messages.


This explains the message of the scripture that you so dictated.


God wants you to become a highly happy and high self-esteem individuals.


HOWEVER.. There are mediums who have achieved a certain level of Christ consciousness. These mediums are only interested in helping people transcend over their current psychological imbalances not through fear, but through DIVINE LOVE. Divine Love is not human love and is certainly not free sex or a high sex drive per se. Divine Love is self-transcendence; your desire to transcend OVER your issues be it emotional or psychological per se.

A good book to read is "Remarkable Healing" by Dr. Shakuntala Modi which describes what an actual mediumship is like when it is put into good use. Now, you won't see those reality show Long Island Medium stuff, which is great entertainment btw. Real mediumship for real healings USUALLY stay out of the radar screen due to the fact that mediumship and hypnosis have been targets of stake burning by many religious people over centuries.


Last but not least. Having a lot of Godly statues WILL NOT PROTECT you against evil spirits. Protection prayers and statues DO NOT PROTECT against your intent and thought. If your intent is to have unprotected sex with a person infected with STI, do you think keeping a wrapped condom in your back pocket is going to protect you from getting STI? Now think about a Christian who is depressed or have emotional issues which are ripe for demon possessions and influences and then placing a number of Christian statues, thinking that those will give you some form of Godly salvation is no different.

If you have fear, anger, hatred, depression, anxiety etc; placing a million Mother Mary or Jesus Christ statues aren't going to help you. Prayers and your intent to transcend over all these baggages and be one with the Lord is the only thing you can do that make things work. This is due to the Law Of Free Will that God had put in place.


Having said all this. There are mediums who have transcended and healed their wounds and can become effective channel for God. Hands-on healers channel healing from God as well, BUT THEY TOO MUST BE clean and emotionally stable with good self-esteem so they will only channel God's healing powers. Unfortunately with people practising Reiki, most of them just channel psychic energy of the lower form. They can cause more problems than solutions. In this case, the scripture applies to some Reiki Masters too.

The only time you would use a Medium is if you wish to become a spiritual seeker and know more about God and his work, but have no clear clue where to start. Or your gut feeling tells you to. Remember that mediumship is not a clear cut good and evil. Mediumship usage always starts with your intent or thought. If your intent is in defiance of the Lord, then all you get is the sounds of Satan and his demons singing their tunes and driving your already low self-esteem even lower. If your intent is in embracing the Lord, all you get will be the blessings of the Lord.


Make that choice wisely.



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Yes. I read something along the same lines. I suppose I'm shocked that a devote catholic would mess with this. It really is messing with occult.




It is messing with something called "cold reading" where the "medium" asks leading questions and uses something like inductive logic to produce answers the victim wants to hear.



People who once worked for John Edwards have come forward to confess to the use of secret recording devices. These people would mingle with the crowd and record conversations that allowed Edwards to magically produce information that no one could know.



This is why, for example, he could tell you all about how a relative felt or died but couldn't even produce their name. The only thing evil about mediums is that they are con artists.

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Mediums aren't evil. They're gifted. Very.


Legitimate ones are, anyway...


The one my sister saw spoke to my deceased sister. My living sister never even asked questions...the medium just was relaying messages from my one sister to the other.


What I found the most fascinating about the whole thing is that I bought this house not too long after my sister passed away. One time I came in here and there were ladybugs all over my shower...like maybe ten or more...enough for me to notice. This was on a day before my sister even saw the medium and found out my sister sends ladybugs.


But after I found out about it I was walking into my house and on my front door were two ladybugs humping. My sister always did have a great sense of humor. :love:

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There was a midget medium who escaped from prison. The headline that day - Small Medium at Large.

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What I found the most fascinating about the whole thing is that I bought this house not too long after my sister passed away. One time I came in here and there were ladybugs all over my shower...like maybe ten or more...enough for me to notice. This was on a day before my sister even saw the medium and found out my sister sends ladybugs.


But after I found out about it I was walking into my house and on my front door were two ladybugs humping. My sister always did have a great sense of humor. :love:


So do tell me what the spiritual message of the orgy of cockroaches in the public kitchen here entails.

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There was a midget medium who escaped from prison. The headline that day - Small Medium at Large.


LOL, oh man I got a good laugh out of that one!

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It is messing with something called "cold reading" where the "medium" asks leading questions and uses something like inductive logic to produce answers the victim wants to hear.



People who once worked for John Edwards have come forward to confess to the use of secret recording devices. These people would mingle with the crowd and record conversations that allowed Edwards to magically produce information that no one could know.



This is why, for example, he could tell you all about how a relative felt or died but couldn't even produce their name. The only thing evil about mediums is that they are con artists.


First of all, let's make a fine distinction between a Psychic and a Medium, because they are vastly DIFFERENT. The confusion arises because some people who are psychics go on television and purport themselves as mediums as part of the road style gong show. Unfortunately, this is happening today with the New Age movement.


A Psychic isn't necessarily a medium, but a medium is a psychic. A psychic can sense using his or her intuition the energy of the subject or object being read in the present, past and future. Basically, a psychic uses basic intuition to gather and interpret information about the person being read.


A medium also possess this ability but goes one step further and communicate with non-physical energy (spiritual being(s)) relevant to the person being read. This could be the person's spiritual guide or guides, animal guide or angels etc...


However, both psychics and mediums ARE NOT mind readers. They do not read your mind, but rather they get information from the universe in a form of images (clairvoyance), sounds(clairaudience), knowing(claircognizance) and feeling (clairsentience). Not every medium has all 4 of these gifts either! Spiritual beings communicate in a way that they can deliver a lot of information in the shortest period of time! So sometimes, it looks as though the medium is cold reading for information when in fact, it needs the help to organize and recognize information relevant for the reading. As an example, Italians eat spaghetti with a fork, but the Asians eat noodles with a chopstick, so you would not eat your spaghetti with chopsticks in an Italian restaurant. This would look silly, because you know you are in an Italian restaurant. You would know this because you asked in advance which restaurant you are going to go to if someone is inviting you to! That someone is the client. But mediums are not presented with this relevant information because in the case of the spaghetti and Pho, the medium sees noodles -- so the type of noodles must be provided by the person being read.


That is why they are sometimes looked upon as cold readers.


Having said that, some mediums and new age speakers are just out there to make a buck. They are as some say con-artists. But wasn't Lance Armstrong a con-artist as well? And a 7 times looser con-artist coning millions of his fans for what? For fame, glory and money. Is it fair to blame all people who compete in sports today as nothing more than drug users?


When it comes to money and fame, Bear Stearns and Enron are no different. It's funny that we do not punish these Wall Street people who wrecked millions of 401k plans for the con job and yet few go to jail, and yet we attack mediums and psychics. Why is that? Perhaps because rich people in Wall Street has the protection of our Congress and the American politics? Perhaps money talks and it's ok to con some people if the rich stays rich. What hypocrisy!



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So you are saying that a medium well done is rare? I think any good chef would object to that.

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So you are saying that a medium well done is rare? I think any good chef would object to that.


Let's take Lance Armstrong as an example. He could have gone as one of the best cyclists in history with 7 Tour De France wins. And yet, he was arrogant, prideful and self-centered, and eventually he went down in flames. Lance is truly a gifted athlete, but money, fame and power got the best of him. He went down in flames and with shame!


Mediums are gifted people. In fact, all of us has this basic ability. It is called intuition or gut feeling and is the most basic form of spiritual communication. Like an athlete, many mediums started out like a normal person with developed intuition. After years of training, the person will become developed either as a psychic and then medium with the idea that one day one can achieve full communion with the Lord, because the Kingdom of God is within all of us!. But like any gifted athlete, any psychic or medium or divine seeker suddenly realize that their gifts can be exploited for money. This is after all the land of the United of States, where anything and everything is commercialized!! Unlike the commercialized U.S of A, other countries actually pay more respect towards healers, mediums and psychics. US of A seemed to be the most cynical countries in regards to believing in the paranormal or spirituality other than the bible and the Church.


Do you remember what Jesus did with the money changers in the New Testament with what he said.


"Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade"


When mediums and psychics start making the father's house as a house of trade, all of the sudden they will eventually be pressured to perform! Clients will demand more performance, more encore and more accuracy. These people are only human. Lance Armstrong is only human. When you ask Lance to perform miracles, what did he do? He cheated. He had to!

The danger when mediums and psychics start dabbling with money is that, they will eventually be pressured to perform beyond their abilities. So they will begin to cheat. Stashing hidden recorders etc aren't that uncommon.


Real mediums and psychics use their ability to help others to heal, but usually are not basing their gifts as their main source of income. Like everyone else, they have a full time job like a normal person do. And yes, you can find them through the works of the Lord. Most of the time, it is the person's intuition that leads to who they shall seek for guidance. When psychics and medium do the work of healing, then there is no pressure for these people to perform abilities that are not within their means. In fact, some mediums will vehemently state that if they ever suspect that the client can be best served by conventional treatment, then the medium will not hesitate to send him or her away! So obviously, some sacrifices have to be made because these mediums understood the law of free will. The mediums and psychics can feel if the clients are learning lessons dispensed by the Lord and that these lessons must be learned by themselves. But for others, the temptation to exploit human beings at their weakest moment in time is always ripe. After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


NEVER SEEK a psychic or medium when you are depressed due to a lost one, breakup etc... This usually will lead one person to seek a person who will then open you up to the gateway to Satan!


I just want to say that all psychics and mediums as well as gifted athletes like Lance Armstrong start out with a sincere effort to become the best they could be. They are all good people. They only become bad because of the bad influences of people who tempt them with money and fame and eventually turned to the dark side. But do not forget that all of these people are still good. All they had to do is repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. Is there a reason why you hate mediums?



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