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My boyfriend wants cancer....

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Tracey Jansen

I heard my boyfriend saying he wants cancer and that he thinks it is a good thing... what do I do about this???

Isn't it a bit sick-minded, don't you think???


He has been asking me questions like:

How do you get cancer?

What is it??

How do I get stomach cancer???


I am worried about him. Is this wrong what he wants to do???


Please help me.

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Thats definitely a bit odd. Maybe he is just an attention-seeker and trying to provoke you and is interested in stiring you up.

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If your boyfriend was serious about wanting cancer, I think you should get serious about finding another boyfriend. Life is too short to tolerate such nonsense.


Cancer is not contagious. You can wish for it all you want but it has to manifest itself naturally in persons who are predisposed. However, being extremely obese and smoking three or four packs of cigarettes a day will go a long way to helping him reach his goal.

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What in the world is his problem??? My mom passed away because of cancer and let me tell you it is a b*tch!!!! Why would he want that? Does he not value his life? He needs help.

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Wanting to be ill can be a sign of a deeper underlying mental problem, just like people with all limbs that WANT to be amputees. It's almost like they want a "claim to fame".


Do you want to be with someone who needs that kind of attention?


I'm too lazy to find out what mental disorder it reminds me of-anyone else?

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Originally posted by Mr Spock

Wanting to be ill can be a sign of a deeper underlying mental problem, just like people with all limbs that WANT to be amputees. It's almost like they want a "claim to fame".


Do you want to be with someone who needs that kind of attention?


I'm too lazy to find out what mental disorder it reminds me of-anyone else?


Are you thinking of Munchausen syndrome? That's where a person makes themself sick and/or makes up fictitious symptoms to get attention, boggle doctors and be "one up" on those who are trying to make them better. This doesn't sound like what you're thinking of, though, does it?


I wonder if this guy is just really young and naive, just doesn't have a clue at all what cancer is...maybe he's 13....and has never known anyone with cancer and is just kind of uninformed? I don't know.


Speaking of people with limbs who want to be amputees, that reminds me of a website I heard about (and checked out) several years ago.....it was absolutely sickening. It was created by a girl who was in her mid 20s...she was a SCHOOL TEACHER to elementary school kids...........and she was saving up to have her arms amputated from below the elbows...and she wanted stainless steel hooks for prosthetics........people were repulsed and trying to find out WHERE she was, so that they could inform the school she worked for...............because she was apparently nearing having the money for the hooks..........and she was going to have her boyfriend HELP her amputate because she couldn't find a doc (no kidding) who'd do it................it was truly freaky.......anyway, people wanted to report her because can you imagine (if she didn't bleed to death or die of infection from do it your amputations) her going back to school and telling these little ones where her arms went? At first a lot of us thought it was bogus but it wasn't. I don't know how prevalent this kind of sickness is, I haven't thought much more about it until reading your post here...............guess it's not all that rare. God.

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No, it's not Munchausen's syndrome-it's something like where the person wants a terminal illness or pretends to have one because they are enamoured with the idea of the entire process.



Anyways, regardless- you're dating an idiot.

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Sounds like a hypercondriac to me. Thats someone who always wants or finds something wrong with themselves, and complains about it endlessly. I have a family member like that. Thinks every other day they need to go to to doctor. They have a cold, all of a sudden they think they have a major disease etc. Anyway my point is they do it for attention. They will do, say or act in anyway even "wishing cancer" on themselves just to see how you or others may react. Hes got some issues, talk with him about counseling or maybe move on. Good luck.

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He WANTS attention is what he WANTS. I've learned that cancer is on a cellular level. He can't catch it or give it to himself. Tell him to get a grip and to schedule an appointment with his therapist. I don't think he sounds normal.

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Take him to a shrink What an arse hole I am sure there a plenty of people with cancer that would LOVE to give it to him

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  • 4 months later...
Tracey Jansen
Originally posted by Tony

If your boyfriend was serious about wanting cancer, I think you should get serious about finding another boyfriend. Life is too short to tolerate such nonsense.


Cancer is not contagious. You can wish for it all you want but it has to manifest itself naturally in persons who are predisposed. However, being extremely obese and smoking three or four packs of cigarettes a day will go a long way to helping him reach his goal.


He still wants cancer.

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Dump him and find someone else. I just found out tonight that my mom has cancer (fortunately a rarely-lethal type), so this INFURIATES me. Rarely do I wish something bad happens to someone, but in his case, I think he deserves it. Just to shut him the hell up, if nothing else.

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There is a fairly good chance that I have cancer. It isn't fun. I have to wait a bit to find out for certain, but I hope I do not have it. I cannot see how your boyfriend wants cancer.

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That is just plain nuts. I never knew my grandmother thanks to melinoma. Both my grandmothers and my aunt had breast cancer and masectomies. Dump him.

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This post must be fake! :confused:

But in case it's genuine, is your BF like 8 years old? Or mentally ill? One of those two must be the case.

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Originally posted by karenina21

Both my grandmothers and my aunt had breast cancer and masectomies. Dump him.


Karenina, you know what this means. Have you consulted a doctor about what exactly you should do to lower the risk of getting it yourself and how often you should check yourself and be checked by doctors?

I hope you take care of yourself. Wish you all the best!

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Tracy Jansen
Originally posted by faux

There is a fairly good chance that I have cancer. It isn't fun. I have to wait a bit to find out for certain, but I hope I do not have it. I cannot see how your boyfriend wants cancer.


He thinks having cancer is good fun and likes the attention he would get if he had it. He is obsessed with it.

What do I do now?


I've been with him for 3 years and this has came fairly recently, i.e. in the last year.

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Hi Tracy:


He's had this problem over four months and has made no progress. You need to consult a highly trained psychotherapist to see if this is some sort of attention-getting thing or exactly what his motivation is for wanting to get cancer. If he wanted to die, he could run out onto the street in front of a truck. If he wants to die slowly, there are ways to do that. That he has selected getting cancer as a way to get sick or perhaps even die is uncanny.


I am leaving this thread up just in case it's legitimate. But I am closing it now so no more posts can be made because: 1. The claim is outlandish. 2. The problem can only be solved with professional help and not with advice on this forum. 3. It's very difficult for many, as expressed in posts above, to believe any sane human being would express a desire to get cancer. It's bizarre!

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