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Desire fades with age?


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Ok, so not that I'm really that old (22) but I feel as if I've lived an eon or two sometimes. The thought of pursuing another girl is always exciting, however I feel a constant nagging that tells me not to because of the complications that undoubtedly will come with being with someone. The nagging is normal, I know, but it has gotten to the point where I just don't really care one way or the other if I'm with a girl or not. I've experienced the good, bad, and ugly in relationships and at this point I really just don't have much interest "settling down" at this point. As anyone, I always enjoy attention from the opposite sex when it is given to me but I take those moments in and out of my heart about as quickly as the moment itself takes place. I'm not really asking for advice on what to do about this, I was just wondering if anyone had some insights on the matter.

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Hi LoosScroo. It sounds as though perhaps you are a wee bit cynical about settling down. Maybe you are hanging back because you don't really know what you truly want from a relationship. If that is so, you are wise to. Most people dive into a relationship for the worst of reasons: 1, they don't want to be alone. 2, they are really in lust.


22 is a pretty good age to remain single and sort out what you want. I say wait until somebody really hits your buzzer mentally - the rest will follow.

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Originally posted by LoosScroo

Ok, so not that I'm really that old (22) but I feel as if I've lived an eon or two sometimes. The thought of pursuing another girl is always exciting, however I feel a constant nagging that tells me not to because of the complications that undoubtedly will come with being with someone. The nagging is normal, I know, but it has gotten to the point where I just don't really care one way or the other if I'm with a girl or not. I've experienced the good, bad, and ugly in relationships and at this point I really just don't have much interest "settling down" at this point.



dude, welcome to reality. Wait til you get my age, 39. You aiin't seen nothin' yet man.


women, take 'em or leave 'em. there are plusses to both. it's fun being w/ the right one but it's also fun being by yerself.

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Hey, I would not even get involved in a serious relationship until you are in your very late 20s. People change so much in their twenties and marriage/serious relationships cause too much drama. Enjoy yourself, enjoy others, keep your options open, travel, learn, and grow.



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