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Texting After Second Date but No Date?

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Hey guys!


Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! So, I met this guy off Match on Saturday night! I think that it went great! We both looked like our pictures and it was quite the long first date. He told me that he has some bad ones, and he would usually just have one drink, and then make some excuse up to leave. We kissed good night, and he told me to text him when I got home.


During that I contemplating on doing so because I didn't want to come off in the wrong way (clingy or desperate). But he texted me asking if I made it, and I responded! And he was like Goodnight! Thank for a great date! Fast forward the next day morningish he texts me to ask if I was going to go to this huge race that was in town; we were talking about it during our date; telling him I wanted to go and him telling me that he actually had tickets and was going.


So the point of the post is hes been texting me since Saturday; I haven't heard from him since 4pm yesterday (so who knows he may not be interested). But why no mention of a second date? Would it be unattractive if in a few days I ask him if he wants to hang out again? Or should I just wait it out?


Thanks :)

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