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I can't tell if I'm cheating on my bf or not..

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Yeah, what you just said makes no sense to me. No idea why you would say all of that.


Of course it makes no sense. You are selective in what you want to hear. You choose not to make sense out of it because it doesn't support your sense of entitlement. But deep down, you know exactly what I mean.


You know what you are doing is wrong. You've received enough advice here to state that. I hope you do the right thing.


Good luck to you.

Edited by Zahara
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Before I even read the excerpt, I knew it was cheating. If you have to ask, then you already know it is. Would you do it right in front of your boyfriend? If not then its cheating

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I'm talking with other guys, flirting as well.. I don't feel bad at all for doing this while dating my boyfriend. I also want to go out with them as friends, no strings attached..


Is that cheating?


I'd be fine with everything except the flirting and the fact you don't feel bad about it...

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Of course it makes no sense. You are selective in what you want to hear. You choose not to make sense out of it because it doesn't support your sense of entitlement. But deep down, you know exactly what I mean.


You know what you are doing is wrong. You've received enough advice here to state that. I hope you do the right thing.


Good luck to you.


Not to mention OP has also posted threads claiming her ex and best friend were together and betrayed her....then posted a subsequent thread stating that she(OP) was dating her best friend's ex and didn't understand why her best friend wouldn't talk to her. I'm utterly confused.

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U should hav never started a thread here, when u knew what u doing is wrong, yes, its cheating, n your bf is the victim ere, u know u gonna hurt him badly by doing this, n then u ask us to cut u some slack, dont end with him, but put this whole thing infront of him, this thread that u posted ere n asked us, ask the same from him n let him decide n sort it out, but plz dont just keep on stringing the guy along, he is definitely emotionally invested over here. U on the other hand r totally fine with it.

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If you are going to break up with him you should do it before the trip. If you are incompatible with your boyfriend act like an adult and just break it off. At least then he can enjoy the trip by himself. If you go on the trip with him and then break up with him right after you are basically a piece of **** and a total scumbag. I would seriously hate a girl that did that to me SOOOOOO much forever, would hope they had a miserable and lonely life, and never ever forgive them. If you aren't a selfish ******* just break up with him first and let him go on the trip alone or with a friend and have a good time, otherwise he is going to see you as a total trashy gold digger or strung him along towards the end so and used him for a vacation rather than doing the right thing and just breaking up with him.

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