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Ahhh... i woke up with a couple hickeys on my cheeks/neck... it never happened before... is there a way to make it go away faster? why did it show up all of a sudden? How long till it goes away??



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Wear turtlenecks for the next few days. Nothing else will hide them.

Ahhh... i woke up with a couple hickeys on my cheeks/neck... it never happened before... is there a way to make it go away faster? why did it show up all of a sudden? How long till it goes away?? Thanks!
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Hickeys usually take three days to a week to disappear, depending on the force that created them.


Do you have a dog? If so, tell everyone the dog gives you hickeys in your sleep. Always blame things on the dog. If you don't have one, get one quick. Dogs have no idea they're taking all the heat...and it relieves you of all responsibility.


If you keep your pants on, nobody will see the hickeys on your cheeks...unless you mean facial cheeks. Blame these on the dog, too.


Your boyfriend really sucks (and bites)!!!


They go away faster if you tie up the dog at night. They appear suddenly because it takes the body a while to decide whether or not it wants to embarass you.


They will go away just as soon as everyone has noticed them.

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