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Three Buts

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#1. I love you BUT, I can't leave my wife.I love her to much to leave her, I just don't love her enough not to cheat on her. What? Talk to her about my feelings? That's crazy talk right there, it's much easier to lie and cheat than tell the truth, and well see #3 below.:love:


#2. I need you BUT, I only need you when I need you. It doesn't matter if you need me. This is about me not you. Just so you know I like it when you need me, it gets my ego stroked, and I live for the "stroking" :cool:


#3. I want you BUT, I want to have my cake and eat it too. Sex with two women, love from two women, two women to dote over me.Yes, that's what I want.:D


I know this is tearing you up BUT, but again, this is about me not you, see #1,2 and 3 above.

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#1. I love you BUT, I can't leave my wife.I love her to much to leave her, I just don't love her enough not to cheat on her. What? Talk to her about my feelings? That's crazy talk right there, it's much easier to lie and cheat than tell the truth, and well see #3 below.:love:


#2. I need you BUT, I only need you when I need you. It doesn't matter if you need me. This is about me not you. Just so you know I like it when you need me, it gets my ego stroked, and I live for the "stroking" :cool:


#3. I want you BUT, I want to have my cake and eat it too. Sex with two women, love from two women, two women to dote over me.Yes, that's what I want.:D


I know this is tearing you up BUT, but again, this is about me not you, see #1,2 and 3 above.


This is funny :laugh:.....but often the truth of many of these situations. The person may not consciously believe they are doing this or articulate this but essentially their actions/inaction and words when distilled come out to just that.

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