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Dr. dilema continued....


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i went to his house last night. I was feeling so horrible (i have a cold) that i really had no energy to argue, so i didnt bring it up. Basically i know, though, that it comes down to, if i convert i think he'll marry me.


Really the guy doesnt even give a flying f@#! what religion i am, its for his parents. But good news, he had an argument with his parents, so he says, and told them that he loves me and if they cant accept me, then tough. He wont let them run his life and blah blah blah...


Truthfully i dont care that i meet them anymore, they already dont like me. What would i say, nice to meet you, im thinking about converting because you people are selfish pricks who cant let their 30 year old son make his own decisions.


I have asked him the same question, why would he date me for a year, and let himself fall in love when he knows that im not jewish? He said that when he met me he was looking to casually date and have a good time, and "accidently" fell for me. He's bright, isnt he?


Last night he said something, and i started thinking that subconsciously he must have intentions of marrying me.


We were joking around, and he goes you've lost a lot of weight, you have no butt anymore. Then he says, how am i going to marry you if you have no ass? He goes, my wife is assless. He confuses me, why would he say that, joking or not. Anyhow, ill let you know what happens next. Oh and he doesnt like me on the internet because im picking up guys, he kills me.

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i understand where his parents are coming from so i don't know if it's fair to call them "pricks." this is the guy's fault, he really had no right to "casually date" you and then expect nothing to come of it. he made you fall in love with him and that is just wrong. i don't know what to tell you, this is just a plain bad situation.


i realy do feel for you, this is not a fair situation. this guy doesn't sound all that great, if i were you i would dump him and find a good stable guy, with the same religion if possible.

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