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If you and him have paypal, you can pay him that way. Or you can send a check via online banking to his address.


Would it not be pretty funny if she owed him a large amount of money say $300 bucks and you gave it to him in quarters?? I dunno I find it funny at least

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Simon Phoenix
Would it not be pretty funny if she owed him a large amount of money say $300 bucks and you gave it to him in quarters?? I dunno I find it funny at least


That would be unnecessarily petty.

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If you and him have paypal, you can pay him that way. Or you can send a check via online banking to his address.


Email money transfer. Either way I wont be talking or seeing him.

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Yes she broke up with him and that hurt him. If she wanted to continue the relationship, that was a mistake.

That doesn't give him an excuse to hurt her back by stringing her along.

Both parties hurt each other.

However, there was probably something you saw in him that made you break up with him, and seeing how he is really hell-bent on hurting you back may be a good clue to you. A respectful guy would take the high road and move on.

Your crazy texts back to him show your own insecurity as well. You knew the relationship was over and you felt out of control, you let your emotions take over and try to regain control.

Next time, try taking the high road and apologizing with a very romantic, moving, heartfelt apology and asking him to be your bf again, JUST ONCE, then waiting patiently giving him time to heal, think, then finally act without any more contact from you. - But Hopefully there won't be a next time because you'll cool off first and not make any decisions while you are emotional!

Try thinking about how you may have hurt him in breaking up with him. Regardless of how he hurt you afterwards, you can't change another person, you only control your own thoughts and behaviors. So cleanse yourself. I think a great way to learn and grow from this as a person would be to consider what you put him through, and write out a long heartfelt letter WITHOUT intent of getting back together with him - literally just focusing on apologizing, coming up with a few different ways of how that situation could have been handled better, and your hopes that through this experience he can still find a way to learn and grow through the pain, and can find what he is looking for and deserves in the future.

Then write a heartfelt letter to yourself, detailing the red flags you saw that warned you about him that you ignored, the qualities of this man that persuaded you to ignore those red flags and stay involved with him, warmth and compassion for yourself for being true to yourself even when it was difficult and may have hurt another, ways you can deal with being in an emotional state that will allow you to cool off first before you make serious decisions, and finally acknowledging that you deserve someone who can be up front with you regarding their thoughts and feelings.

Anger & revenge are not productive. Work through it by writing it out or punching a pillow, but at the end of the day we can not come together or solve problems if we keep talking about blame, who is at fault, re-hashing angry thoughts and feelings, or wasting time creating a mastermind revenge plan - we only hurt ourselves and create a ripple effect of negativity this way.

Let's come together in peace and with a focus on resolution and growth.

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Simon Phoenix

Please do not send a letter to him. Just don't. Write one for your eyes only if it helps, but never, never, never send letters.

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Please do not send a letter to him. Just don't. Write one for your eyes only if it helps, but never, never, never send letters.



I wont be. I'm dead set on NO CONTACT whatsoever, at least for 30 days. & after that If it actually meant something to either one of us, hopefully it will figure itself out. But all of my friends are telling me he CAN'T be the one, because he doesn't deserve me.

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Simon Phoenix
I wont be. I'm dead set on NO CONTACT whatsoever, at least for 30 days. & after that If it actually meant something to either one of us, hopefully it will figure itself out. But all of my friends are telling me he CAN'T be the one, because he doesn't deserve me.


Yeah, I'd go more than 30 days.

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