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What if she doesn't come back???

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I seriously want to call her or text her. I just want to ask how she's doing and hear her voice. What should I do?


Everybody is saying "no contact" but what if no contact is making things worse? I want her back and I can't show her that if we have no contact! I've done everything I can do to work on myself. Weight loss, no nicotine, and no love all at once. I need a cigarette so bad right now I feel like I'm going to lose it!


I need to know fast if I should contact her. Will it make things worse if I do? Because I definitely don't want to do that.


It's pissing me off that she's staying constantly surrounded by people while I'm sitting here looking at our memories. I want the punishment but how can she miss me if no one is letting her. How do I get the thought of her with someone else out of my head?


How do I make these days go faster? It seems like tomorrow is never going to come. If she's with someone else, I do I change her mind or make her want to change her own mind?


I'm young, I'm heart-broken, and I'm clueless…

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Don't do it! You'll feel like crap afterwards.


There are a ton of posts on breaking NC currently on the "Breaking Up" forum. Go over there and read them - it will help give you strength for sure.


RE: Smoking


Go to Target and get some Nicotine Gum (they have the best kind and it is the cheapest price). Or, just have a damn cig. Breaking too mang habits at once is a recipe for failure. Smoking is two addictions - cig in your hand (relaxation), and a drug addiction (nicotine). At least the gum will get some nicotine in your system without the tar in your lungs, and you can break one of the additions at a time.

Edited by Yasuandio
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Then you need to keep busy. Find a new hobby and jump head first into it. Travel around. Get out of the norm and get away from things that are going to remind you of her. Plan a trip somewhere and give yourself something to look forward to.

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Don't contact her... please... each time you will, you loose a chance for her to come back.. seriously.... Just stick to NC. She will come back if there is still some doubt in her mind. Otherwise, she won't.. And if there is a chance, only NC can make her move back.. But be careful, don't be to excited if she does... read carefully what is said in this forum about it... And be brave, there is a high percentage she won't come back anyway... But get back to her easily will make your situation worse... and she will probably go away anytime later anyway.. so read this forum.. pleinty of great advises...


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