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How Do I Tell A Girl About My Past?

Under The Radar

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Gosh, hope no-one makes a mistake in your family.


You can't accuse someone for wanting to be careful with the people they choose to have a relationship with. If their past is something they take into account, they have every right to do so. This way though they risk losing a great person (who did an honest mistake in his/her life) due to not being willing to pass by this mistake, BUT they also protect themselves from others whose mistakes in life define them.

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You can't accuse someone for wanting to be careful with the people they choose to have a relationship with. If their past is something they take into account, they have every right to do so. This way though they risk losing a great person (who did an honest mistake in his/her life) due to not being willing to pass by this mistake, BUT they also protect themselves from others whose mistakes in life define them.

Of course everyone has the right to protect themselves from future disappointments. They are smart to do so as well in fact. However those that throw the word 'Christian' around so freely never seize to amaze me at how unforgiving and how un-Christian they can be sometimes. I find that extremely ironic.

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I had to look up who Nehru was. A former prime minister in India who governed in the early to mid 1900s, from what I've read, and who carried on a love affair with some guy's wife. I don't really consider his comments as meaningful to me.


I hate typing on my phone - I should have double checked!


How embarrassing. It was supposed to be "never." I am sure now that you know what the word was that sarcasm will abate ;)


James 1:19-20....James 2:10

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