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Too soon for exclusive?


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My questions are general;


I've been seeing a guy for 2 months, is that too soon to ask if the relationship is exclusive? What's a "average" good time everybody?


Also, is there a tactful way of asking if he is seeing any other women?

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I think you need to start using your intuition a little bit. Relationships always have a feeling about them. If a guy is seeing you exclusively, you sort of get that feeling. I know, when a girl is just seeing one guy only...the guy just feels that.


There is no particular length of time it takes to achieve exclusivity. Very often, two people meet and hit it off so well, they just forget they were even dating other people and see only each other.


As far as confirming your feelings, I think there is no better way...after a month or two...to find out where things are than to just ask. Ask the guy if he's dating other people. And you can get a lot of information from his reaction...even find out just how much he cares about you.


When sex is involved, I think this is a mandatory question. In an age of AIDS and other serious STDs, it's essential to know that the person you're dating isn't spreading themselves all over town.

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hi Monica,


First of all, communication is very very very important in a relationship. Yours is pretty new, so start it off on the right track by communicating openly with this guy, you will not regret it. don't be demanding or prying, but just ask him matter-of-factly. something like..i'm not trying to rush this relationship, but i just want to make sure we're clear about certain things..are we dating exclusively or are you dating other women as well? If he's a decent guy, he won't get upset at you for asking this question.

What's a "average" good time everybody?

I know you won't like this answer, but it depends on the couple and what kind of relationship a person is looking for. I've been in a relationship where the first day we started dating, he discussed this matter with me and made sure that i understood he wanted to see me and me only. But in other relationships, sometimes it'll take a few weeks or a couple months before we would discuss this.


But the point is, we discussed it. When the guy mentioned the word "committment", I wasn't scared away; likewise, i've never scared away any guys by bringing this topic up either. Talking about it is always better than just assuming whether we were seeing aach other only..etc etc...

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Asking, asking, and asking is the best way to have your questions answered. I assume he will be sincere. I do not see anything wrong with appeasing one's curiosity by this simple way. You do not have to sound deadly serious.

My questions are general; I've been seeing a guy for 2 months, is that too soon to ask if the relationship is exclusive? What's a "average" good time everybody?


Also, is there a tactful way of asking if he is seeing any other women?

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