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Is this normal?

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I am divorced and have been for years. I left my ex and he retains our prior marital home (which we still jointly own as he has not satisfied the divorce agreement yet).


Recently my exh called my office and complained to our office manager that a piece of my insurance mail went to his house. I know this is not possible because a year ago he called my insurance company and complained about the same thing, so they called me and my account was switched to paperless and te address on my account was changed.


Even if he did get a piece of mail addressed to me, is it weird for him to call my office? This is not the first time either so I am wondering if I should worry. I feel like this is odd behavior but don't want to overreact.

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It may be his way of making sure you get the info without having to talk to you. It's immature for him to discsuss personal business with somebody you work with but . . . at least you get your mail.

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