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Dumper came back... 2nd time with dumpers remorse.

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Hahaha don't you just want to laugh in her face now. She's still BROKEN and wants to drag you down with her sinking ship.


I've gotten a crazy email from an ex before 3 years post breakup talking about how we were supposed to have kids and we should try to make it work again and how she always thought of me. She said all the right things, but her actions never met her words so I bowed out


It's funny, as I mentioned before, I'd fantasied about telling her to F-off if she ever contacted me again after we broke up. Now that she has, it almost pisses me off. Selfish is the word that comes to mind. Things haven't worked out for her so she "assumes" she can simply contact me and I'd go running back to her dysfunctional self.. Her words mean NOTHING to me. I lost count how many times she said she loved me, we were stuck w/each other, blah, blah, blah, only for her to break up over a temper tantrum of hers or some other trivial thing that most couples would quickly work thru w/out incident.


I ALMOST feel sorry for her. Reading her lllooonnggg email only reinforced that nothing has changed w/her and she's still not happy with herself or her life. I just to continue to move on with my new love and put that in the past.


I hope this post was helpful to the freshly dumped.

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Great thread. I'm working on myself and don't want any relationship. If the dumper gets into a rebound relationship it's good at first but then the dumpee waited and got into a REAL relationship with someone special and that's what counts.


I agree that if she truly loved you she wouldn't dump you but if you truly loved her you'd dump you new girlfriend and take her back?


Or did your love for her die after she dumped you, I understand that. Plus you have someone else, are you happier with them than your ex?

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