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Friends cheating revenge, did he go too far?

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Yeah she may be granted half of his money(not likely being most settlements state specifically that the marital assets obtained through the length of the marriage) but the guy has hi integrity intact...and there is no monetary value that can ever be placed on that.


You have an...interesting definition of "integrity" there...


Best bet for him to do (assuming this is even a real story) at this point is to try to get a legal annulment. Personally I think both of the participants in this charade are dirtbags and royally deserve one another.

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You have an...interesting definition of "integrity" there...


Best bet for him to do (assuming this is even a real story) at this point is to try to get a legal annulment. Personally I think both of the participants in this charade are dirtbags and royally deserve one another.


How is she even close to being a dirtbag like he is?


Okay, she cheated, she messed up. If he knew, he should have confronted her and either work it out or end it. But instead he orchestrated entire charade himself. She's just a victim in his grand scheme of revenge. So are her parents who burned tons of money for apparently faux wedding.

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I don't think it went way too far at all...I have to hand it to the guy to be able to play it so close to the vest. Most people of either gender in that position would not have been able to contain themselves and ended it right then and there.


Yeah she may be granted half of his money(not likely being most settlements state specifically that the marital assets obtained through the length of the marriage) but the guy has hi integrity intact...and there is no monetary value that can ever be placed on that.


It must have taken a Hurculean effort on his part to go through with the wedding and honeymoon and then have it all planned out like that. It is a true example of Revenge being a dish best served cold:)


You don't think he went to far? Really? Oh my! It sickens me to think how bitter people are. Cheating sucks, I get that, but two wrongs do NOT make a right. Bad things happen to good people, it's how we deal with it that counts. Being hurt doesn't give you entitlement to be an A-hole and go on a rampage. He didn't just get revenge on her. The idiot screwed over their friends and her parents. Marriage IS a big deal and he completely made a mockery of it. I'd hate to be in his shoes when the karma bus makes its stop at his place. I can't imagine anyone who's not hateful agreeing with what this guy did. How disgusting! :sick:

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How is she even close to being a dirtbag like he is?


Okay, she cheated, she messed up. If he knew, he should have confronted her and either work it out or end it. But instead he orchestrated entire charade himself. She's just a victim in his grand scheme of revenge. So are her parents who burned tons of money for apparently faux wedding.


Yep, *mature* people confront and end the relationship. They do not plan a fake a wedding. She may have lied, but what did he do when he took those vows? I hope she files divorce with fraud as the reasoning and gets half of his stuff.

Edited by violet1
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Why would he go and actually marry her. Just dump her and don't look back.


I admit I get pissed off with people making her out to be the victim. Would they say it if the genders were reversed?

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