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Am I Being Stupid?

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Most of you already know my story from the two other posts. As you know, I found out my wife cheated on my with a co worker. Then coming to find out she still had communication with this guy even know I laid out guidelines for her.


I have already expressed to her I won't be able to emotionally move forward with our marriage. I don't want to play PI daily and wonder what she's up to. I have been back home for a couple weeks now. We still sleep in the same bed and she is extra nice to me and still tries to have sex daily.


I have started to try and distance myself but find it extremely difficult to do. I still love my wife and even let her come in for a kiss when I leave for work. I just know I've gotta do what I've gotta do. For all I know I'm being walked all over. Who knows what her intentions are.


I don't even know why I'm finding it the most difficult to end this. I KNOW I have to do this. It's something I never imagined would happen to us and it hurts. I want to always be there for my 4 year old daughter daily and not have her go through a situation like this. I never imagined in a million years this was going to happen.


All my wife keeps telling me is we're going to make this work and she's not going to give up on me or let me go. It kinda pisses me off when I hear this cause all I can think about is how she carried on an emotional relationship with a co worker then had sex with him. If she had those feelings for me that would never in a million years happened. She would have stopped it.


Not to mention she wouldn't be hiding the communication with this guy. And she would have left immediately if she went somewhere and he was there instead of hanging out with him knowing she's jeopardizing what little we had left.


Are these feelings normal? I think another hard part is knowing I'll be having to see a new guy there raising my 4 year old daughter. I think that will be a tough pill to swallow.. I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. I just feel like these past two months I've been drifting along day to day. I'm more accepting of the situation than when I first found out. When I first found out it was like a dream..Slowly but surely I'm getting out of that funk and into reality. But I'm sure when the divorce starts I'll get back into that funk.. This sucks.


It doesn't help when you've got a friend too who sits there and drills it into your head that you're weak and are lying to yourself. Not sure why he said that but regardless I think he should have been more supportive. Maybe he's just sick of hearing my bs. I told him I won't be expelling my problems onto him anymore. I'm sure friends and family get burnt on it anyway. I had much better results coming here to be honest.

Edited by jm2013
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They are normal feelings. I would have put all her stuff in the front yard and told her to leave. Can you ever trust her again? I wouldn't be able to. She is still contacting him?

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They are normal feelings. I would have put all her stuff in the front yard and told her to leave. Can you ever trust her again? I wouldn't be able to. She is still contacting him?


No, I don't believe I could ever trust her again. I've told her that too. As far as contact, I'm not too sure. I found out she lied recently to me about that run she had with him but that's the last I've heard. But I still think that if she was sincere she wouldn't have done that. Maybe her feelings are all over the place. Maybe she didn't think she was going to get caught and thought it was innocent. Regardless, there's no marriage when there's no trust. Even if I waited it out and a couple years pass and it doesn't work. I'll just get deeper in the financial hole.. As the years tick by I could have started the healing process already.

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I totally trusted my ex. She always wanted to go to Italy. I said take your mom. I own a business and work all the time. After 3 European trips with her mom, I caught her in a lie and found out she never took her mom. We fought for a year about it. I wasted a year of my life and never trusted her again. Her Facebook habit and lying ruined us. She would be awake up at 3 in the morning and get on her laptop. 8 hour time difference. at 3 am it is 11 am in Italy. No telling who she was banging there. No trust=failed marriage.

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Most of you already know my story from the two other posts. As you know, I found out my wife cheated on my with a co worker. Then coming to find out she still had communication with this guy even know I laid out guidelines for her.


I have already expressed to her I won't be able to emotionally move forward with our marriage. I don't want to play PI daily and wonder what she's up to. I have been back home for a couple weeks now. We still sleep in the same bed and she is extra nice to me and still tries to have sex daily.


I have started to try and distance myself but find it extremely difficult to do. I still love my wife and even let her come in for a kiss when I leave for work. I just know I've gotta do what I've gotta do. For all I know I'm being walked all over. Who knows what her intentions are.


I don't even know why I'm finding it the most difficult to end this. I KNOW I have to do this. It's something I never imagined would happen to us and it hurts. I want to always be there for my 4 year old daughter daily and not have her go through a situation like this. I never imagined in a million years this was going to happen.


All my wife keeps telling me is we're going to make this work and she's not going to give up on me or let me go. It kinda pisses me off when I hear this cause all I can think about is how she carried on an emotional relationship with a co worker then had sex with him. If she had those feelings for me that would never in a million years happened. She would have stopped it.


Not to mention she wouldn't be hiding the communication with this guy. And she would have left immediately if she went somewhere and he was there instead of hanging out with him knowing she's jeopardizing what little we had left.


Are these feelings normal? I think another hard part is knowing I'll be having to see a new guy there raising my 4 year old daughter. I think that will be a tough pill to swallow.. I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. I just feel like these past two months I've been drifting along day to day. I'm more accepting of the situation than when I first found out. When I first found out it was like a dream..Slowly but surely I'm getting out of that funk and into reality. But I'm sure when the divorce starts I'll get back into that funk.. This sucks.


It doesn't help when you've got a friend too who sits there and drills it into your head that you're weak and are lying to yourself. Not sure why he said that but regardless I think he should have been more supportive. Maybe he's just sick of hearing my bs. I told him I won't be expelling my problems onto him anymore. I'm sure friends and family get burnt on it anyway. I had much better results coming here to be honest.


Has she quit her job? How are you sure she is still contacting OM?


Affairs do happen even when the spouse loves you very much. Unfortunately. A are about deficiencies in the R combining with vulnerabilities or character flaws. So A are never justifiable, but many times when the spouse is willing to make amends it is worth saving the R, but it is a difficult long road and both must be willing to work on it.


What is she willing to do to gain your trust?


She must be completely open about everything and transparent. Was the A exposed to OMs wife, GF etc. Has it been exposed to family and the place where they work?


At this point it might be pointless, but if the A is still going on then exposure is a must! Exposure will kill it......

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She's in limbo. My STBXW did the same thing. Thinking she could still maintain contact with the other man, but kinda work on her marriage.


Don't buy it because it is a waste of your time, effort and emotions. She's either in or out. If she's in, she will struggle with the "break-up" from her other relationship, but she would not lie to you continually about contact with him.


The contact has to end in order to repair and move forward. If she doesn't or can't, then the relationship cannot begin to repair.

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Has she quit her job? How are you sure she is still contacting OM?


Affairs do happen even when the spouse loves you very much. Unfortunately. A are about deficiencies in the R combining with vulnerabilities or character flaws. So A are never justifiable, but many times when the spouse is willing to make amends it is worth saving the R, but it is a difficult long road and both must be willing to work on it.


What is she willing to do to gain your trust?


She must be completely open about everything and transparent. Was the A exposed to OMs wife, GF etc. Has it been exposed to family and the place where they work?


At this point it might be pointless, but if the A is still going on then exposure is a must! Exposure will kill it......


Well, first and foremost she was to cut communication off completely with this guy. Then coming to find out her sister, parents and who knows who else is trying to get them together. That's a whole story in itself. So she decided to run this race and "supposedly" knew this guy was going to be there but she said her father called him to tell him to be there later so they didn't see each other.


So she denies this all along until I found physical proof they were together with pictures from the event. She finally told me yes he ended up showing up and they ran together and spoke afterword. She didn't want to tell me out of fear I wouldn't try to work things out. I think that's a pretty lame excuse.


She did leave her old job where they worked together yes. She has been really nice but I just don't ever see myself moving forward. It's weird and at times feels disgusting.


I'll be watching a movie and it will be about an affair or something and just keep bringing it all back. I hate this. And yes, I tried to make contact with the guy's wife and she told me he told her about everything with my wife.. Who knows...


She's in limbo. My STBXW did the same thing. Thinking she could still maintain contact with the other man, but kinda work on her marriage.


Don't buy it because it is a waste of your time, effort and emotions. She's either in or out. If she's in, she will struggle with the "break-up" from her other relationship, but she would not lie to you continually about contact with him.


The contact has to end in order to repair and move forward. If she doesn't or can't, then the relationship cannot begin to repair.


Did you stick around the house or just leave? I think that's what I'm struggling the most about. I don't want to leave my house, and I think it's throwing some sort of signal to her that I want to make it work.


I've expressed my feelings to her and it's like she doesn't want to hear it or is totally just ignoring it. Yes, we still have sex. I love my wife still. It's such a weird situation emotionally. I just can't let myself get walked all over..

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Did you stick around the house or just leave? I think that's what I'm struggling the most about. I don't want to leave my house, and I think it's throwing some sort of signal to her that I want to make it work.


I've expressed my feelings to her and it's like she doesn't want to hear it or is totally just ignoring it. Yes, we still have sex. I love my wife still. It's such a weird situation emotionally. I just can't let myself get walked all over..


I did stay in the house while I thought we were "reconciling" but in reality she wasn't doing jack sh!&. If she was really committed to working on your relationship, she wouldn't have lied about running into the other man.


She still has feelings for him and she has not decided what she wants (him or you). And I don't know what it is about running, but it is a haven for cheating.


And if you are still having sex, she's using that against you. I bet after sex you think "Things are getting better." Well that are not. Women use that as a ploy to make men think things are OK.


Either you need to decide what you want her to do, or she needs to decide what she wants to do. Until then, you're going to be stuck in limbo without any power because it's all with her.

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Well, another week is here and it still feels like I'm in limbo. We went out for drinks over the weekend and she drank too much and yacked all over the bathroom. I put her to bed and noticed her phone sitting on the counter.


So I go through the thing not sure what I was expecting to find. Low and behold I find two interesting voicemails the guy left back in 2012! According to that voice message they hung out and he initiated the message by "Hey honey, I just wanted to let you know I had a great night and care about you a lot. I hope you have a relaxing day tomorrow and I'll see you on Monday."


Then even further breaking her promise once again, she unblocked him from Facebook...When I first found out she claims to have blocked him. Then I had asked her again if she unblocked him and she said no look. And showed me he was blocked again lol.. So she lied once again to my face.. I told her I checked and he was unblocked when I checked then she went out of her way to block him and lie that he was blocked that whole time. I'm not sure what her deal is.


Now she texts me like 100 times a day saying she only want me and only loves me. And she's going to fight until her death to make our marriage work. She also said she's not signing any papers when she gets them.. And in the mean time I just feel even more confused. I don't know why. I don't want to believe it I guess.


When I heard those voicemails I packed up what I had left in the house clothes why and took off again. Her uncle passed away and she's been uneasy for the past couple days and I promised her I'd be there for her. I even slept in the bed last night and let her cuddle me. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night talking saying she's going to do everything in her power for us to be together. I'm so confused!

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Shocked Suzie
It doesn't help when you've got a friend too who sits there and drills it into your head that you're weak and are lying to yourself. Not sure why he said that but regardless I think he should have been more supportive. Maybe he's just sick of hearing my bs. I told him I won't be expelling my problems onto him anymore. I'm sure friends and family get burnt on it anyway. I had much better results coming here to be honest.


Some people just don't think before they say stuff, your friend probably cares and is frustrated seeing you in pain as you are in limbo still.


I do feel for you, in the early stage I'd have given anything to R... Looking back on things now I see that he just wasn't 100% there and I'm glad I didn't put myself through it all.


Is there any chance you could have some time out 'head space' away from her... What is your gut saying ?? What are those nagging thoughts, most of the time 'for me' I knew all along the outcome, I just decided for a short time to ignore them.


Give yourself some thinking time and then make a choice and stick with it, chopping n changing will just prolong any type of progress to move forward


SS x

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My wife did the ultimate 'trickle truth' to me. She never confessed everything even after we divorced and it no longer mattered. I always thought she had begun to believe her own lies.


In any case, the questions, half truths, and resulting mistrust just about drove me crazy and ultimately doomed us. Personally, I just couldn't get over it. Maybe I could have with a full disclosure though I'm not sure. That's why it is important to get everything layed out complete with a timeline if you have any chance of reconciliation.


She is still lying. She doesn't want you to know everything for fear you will leave before SHE decides that's what she wants.


If I was in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would demand an absolute and full disclosure of everything. Tell her if you then find out more or uncover more lies you are done. Completely done. Then follolw through with that.


Then decide if you can live with it. If you think you can, get both IC and MC to help. If you think you can't, rip the bandaid off. I wish I would have. Slow pulls hurt worse.

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The contact has to end in order to repair and move forward. If she doesn't or can't, then the relationship cannot begin to repair.


You got that right RT! for my XW, the AP worked in a different part of the State, but she had phone contact every day. I told her early on that if we were to R, she would need to change departments or quit all together.....she was worried about remaining friends with this home wrecking D-Bag. Funny, he broke up with her about a week after I moved out. This clown spent months working his way in and then breaks it off for the most ridiculous reason I had ever heard.


To the OP: I feel your pain with someone else being involved with your kid. My daughter told me the cat was messing with the Christmas tree yesterday, I asked if her if she and her mother put up the tree......they did....and so did the new BF. It was a knife to the heart, but it was quick and easier to deal with now rather than a year ago when it was fresh. I know you worry about this, and yes, it does suck, but you learn to cope with it over time.


Also OP, if you feel YOU will never be able to trust her, that is OK. I would not reconcile for the same reason as my WW had an excuse for everything and takes NO responsibility for her actions.

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Some people just don't think before they say stuff, your friend probably cares and is frustrated seeing you in pain as you are in limbo still.


I do feel for you, in the early stage I'd have given anything to R... Looking back on things now I see that he just wasn't 100% there and I'm glad I didn't put myself through it all.


Is there any chance you could have some time out 'head space' away from her... What is your gut saying ?? What are those nagging thoughts, most of the time 'for me' I knew all along the outcome, I just decided for a short time to ignore them.


Give yourself some thinking time and then make a choice and stick with it, chopping n changing will just prolong any type of progress to move forward


SS x


Well, my gut is saying to run. I'm going to be honest here, each day that passes it's starting to feel easier to leave. I couldn't accept that before. I started to buy myself new stuff and it feels good. Just bought a new leather coat and a really nice watch. I haven't done that in a long time.


I'm kinda scared though now. She's not acting right. Her uncle was just murdered and she's saying things that don't feel right. Like she can't live without me and she'll fight for our marriage to her last breath. The problem is I don't have any more gas. I don't think I've got the strength to R. The damage that has been done is profound. I don't want to always wonder what she's up to or where we'll be at in a couple years. What is done is done I guess. Slowly I think I'm starting to figure that out.



My wife did the ultimate 'trickle truth' to me. She never confessed everything even after we divorced and it no longer mattered. I always thought she had begun to believe her own lies.


In any case, the questions, half truths, and resulting mistrust just about drove me crazy and ultimately doomed us. Personally, I just couldn't get over it. Maybe I could have with a full disclosure though I'm not sure. That's why it is important to get everything layed out complete with a timeline if you have any chance of reconciliation.


She is still lying. She doesn't want you to know everything for fear you will leave before SHE decides that's what she wants.


If I was in your shoes, knowing what I know now, I would demand an absolute and full disclosure of everything. Tell her if you then find out more or uncover more lies you are done. Completely done. Then follolw through with that.


Then decide if you can live with it. If you think you can, get both IC and MC to help. If you think you can't, rip the bandaid off. I wish I would have. Slow pulls hurt worse.


Thank you. This is exactly what it feels like. After knowing what I know now I don't think I'd be able to trust her ever again in my life. I still think she's lying about things. The voicemails I hear over a year ago with him calling my wife honey casually and expressing his feelings for her kind of did it for me.


People say I'm still young at 30. Financially I might be screwed for awhile but all in all I think I'll be able to rebuild within the next couple years. Then when I'm ready maybe even consider giving the dating scene a shot. I'm sure there are plenty of women who get married and are serious about their vows. Then again, I never thought in a million years my wife would do this. Especially when you've got a child so young. Not only did she cheat on me but she cheated our daughter out of a family.


You got that right RT! for my XW, the AP worked in a different part of the State, but she had phone contact every day. I told her early on that if we were to R, she would need to change departments or quit all together.....she was worried about remaining friends with this home wrecking D-Bag. Funny, he broke up with her about a week after I moved out. This clown spent months working his way in and then breaks it off for the most ridiculous reason I had ever heard.


To the OP: I feel your pain with someone else being involved with your kid. My daughter told me the cat was messing with the Christmas tree yesterday, I asked if her if she and her mother put up the tree......they did....and so did the new BF. It was a knife to the heart, but it was quick and easier to deal with now rather than a year ago when it was fresh. I know you worry about this, and yes, it does suck, but you learn to cope with it over time.


Also OP, if you feel YOU will never be able to trust her, that is OK. I would not reconcile for the same reason as my WW had an excuse for everything and takes NO responsibility for her actions.


Thanks for your post. I can almost feel that heart wrenching feeling. Especially with my daughter being so young. She's only 4 so it will be easier for her to adjust to somebody else. I'll miss my days and evenings with my little girl. I'll have to learn to adjust to the set schedule for visitation and hope for the best. Maybe when she gets to the age of reason she'll want to live with me. Who knows. Might as well have some optimism here.


And I don't feel like I'd ever be able to trust her again. It feels like my feelings are somewhat subsiding for her if that makes sense. Don't get me wrong I still love my wife but it has become very easy to turn her down sexually now.


Initially I had a hard time. But lately I've told her that I don't want to have sex with her right now cause I think it's confusing things. I think she was doing that cause she thought the more sex we had the better things would be. I'm not really sure what her logic is anymore.


I just know that I don't think I can do this at all. I want a happy life.. I don't want to sit here daily stressing myself out over things for years to come. I could have already been done and healed and off to a better life. Reading a lot of stories on here made me realize this pain will be temporary. It sucks bad. But what are you doing to do right. Just gotta play the cards I was dealt like the rest of you. Thanks everybody for the input. Keep it coming. Your words help. That's for sure.

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Well, my gut is saying to run. I'm going to be honest here, each day that passes it's starting to feel easier to leave. I couldn't accept that before. I started to buy myself new stuff and it feels good. Just bought a new leather coat and a really nice watch. I haven't done that in a long time.


I'm kinda scared though now. She's not acting right. Her uncle was just murdered and she's saying things that don't feel right. Like she can't live without me and she'll fight for our marriage to her last breath. The problem is I don't have any more gas. I don't think I've got the strength to R. The damage that has been done is profound. I don't want to always wonder what she's up to or where we'll be at in a couple years. What is done is done I guess. Slowly I think I'm starting to figure that out.





Thank you. This is exactly what it feels like. After knowing what I know now I don't think I'd be able to trust her ever again in my life. I still think she's lying about things. The voicemails I hear over a year ago with him calling my wife honey casually and expressing his feelings for her kind of did it for me.


People say I'm still young at 30. Financially I might be screwed for awhile but all in all I think I'll be able to rebuild within the next couple years. Then when I'm ready maybe even consider giving the dating scene a shot. I'm sure there are plenty of women who get married and are serious about their vows. Then again, I never thought in a million years my wife would do this. Especially when you've got a child so young. Not only did she cheat on me but she cheated our daughter out of a family.




Thanks for your post. I can almost feel that heart wrenching feeling. Especially with my daughter being so young. She's only 4 so it will be easier for her to adjust to somebody else. I'll miss my days and evenings with my little girl. I'll have to learn to adjust to the set schedule for visitation and hope for the best. Maybe when she gets to the age of reason she'll want to live with me. Who knows. Might as well have some optimism here.


And I don't feel like I'd ever be able to trust her again. It feels like my feelings are somewhat subsiding for her if that makes sense. Don't get me wrong I still love my wife but it has become very easy to turn her down sexually now.


Initially I had a hard time. But lately I've told her that I don't want to have sex with her right now cause I think it's confusing things. I think she was doing that cause she thought the more sex we had the better things would be. I'm not really sure what her logic is anymore.


I just know that I don't think I can do this at all. I want a happy life.. I don't want to sit here daily stressing myself out over things for years to come. I could have already been done and healed and off to a better life. Reading a lot of stories on here made me realize this pain will be temporary. It sucks bad. But what are you doing to do right. Just gotta play the cards I was dealt like the rest of you. Thanks everybody for the input. Keep it coming. Your words help. That's for sure.


Dude, you are still young. I'm 52 and my ex is a hottie but the lying and everything else I put up with it was not worth it. Bail while you are still 30.

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Shocked Suzie

If your gut is saying go then go, separate and start to focus on yourself... Looking back the first few weeks 'I thought' I could R but seeing the person I was turning into through the shock and lack of trust would have just killed me inside out....life is just too short for that and should be lived with self happiness and with 'those' that treat us with equal love n respect.


SS x

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Its amusing to me how harsh people on this site are to woman cheaters and when Ive read this SAME exact scenario except it was the husband, people were way less harsh and saying to go to counseling and give it a chance.


Men are less forgiving and have bigger egos

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JM2013, you are going to be fine, actually better than fine. You have just leaped over a major hurdle. And you are right, this pain is temporary, it gets better every day. You will have setbacks and really bad days but they turn into good days and then into really good days.


Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

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Its amusing to me how harsh people on this site are to woman cheaters and when Ive read this SAME exact scenario except it was the husband, people were way less harsh and saying to go to counseling and give it a chance.


Men are less forgiving and have bigger egos


No, the advice is the same regardless of gender. If the WS is not interested in reconciliation, then the BS needs to move on. If the WS wants to put in the work to reconcile and repair the relationship, then people will say give it a chance.


You're just generalizing based on a couple of scenarios you've read.

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It happened to me like that, i figure they crossed the line of being with someone else.And even if they say they want to work on it,you would be walking on thin ice all the time thinking do i trust her.

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This is insane. So I'm going to Vegas in January for my business. My wife told me she's going to follow me there! I told her absolutely not. I'm there to shake hands and talk to perspective clients.


I don't want or need that drama to follow me. So I called AMEX this morning and canceled her card. I think that was her only credit lifeline she's got. Maybe it will force her to get her own credit line. I don't think she has her own credit cards. She just has cards attached to credit lines in my name.


I hate being in this limbo. I just need to get the balls to just cut this off already. She won't accept it for some reason now. I have a travel bag I've been using to sleep there and she'll take my work clothes out and throw them in the wash. Like she's purposely doing things that will make me come back over there.


I hate this. I can't ever trust her again. I'm not going to sit here and screw myself. There are many stories already on here that confirm what I think would happen in the future. Maybe it would take a year or maybe two but I guarantee things would get back to where they were.


Not like we had the perfect marriage. And it's obvious my wife can't tame her emotions. And wrap that with my lunatic in laws who helped her affair along and it's another recipe for disaster. I guess it is time for me to just man up!


She also told me this morning that it is hurting our daughter to be at the house then leave again. I told her the amount of time I spend with my daughter is what counts. What hurt my daughter was my wife's emotional instability that led her to have a secret affair both emotionally and physically with another man.


I'm not sure why in the world I'm even letting myself get worked back up about this. It's more disgusting than anything. I'm probably more financially scared right now. I'm not sure where my financial path is going to take me. The court is going to rake me over the coals for something I did not ask for. Now I will be blessed with two support orders and spousal support to somebody who betrayed me. I'll be going to work and literally have nothing for myself left to support my basic needs for at least a year. I'll have to take my kids to free activities cause my baby mommas are soaking me.


Sorry for the vent guys. I love this forum. Everybody in here has been through the ringer. It's good to communicate with people who've been there and can understand the feelings of one another. It has helped me immensely and I thank you all for listening and giving much needed advice and support.

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Hey buddy keep us posted let us know what's going on with you... Stay strong but he don't take anybody ****.



Thanks man. I just get a text from my wife she's putting the CC info in for her flight. Gave me an LOL. Good luck with the decline!

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Thanks man. I just get a text from my wife she's putting the CC info in for her flight. Gave me an LOL. Good luck with the decline!


She sounds pretty entitled. And blaming you for disrupting your daughter's mental state? :rolleyes:


I say cheaters are the most selfish and entitled people. And they're so good at projecting.


I hope you find the strength to do what is best for you.

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She sounds pretty entitled. And blaming you for disrupting your daughter's mental state? :rolleyes:


I say cheaters are the most selfish and entitled people. And they're so good at projecting.


I hope you find the strength to do what is best for you.



Yeah, it's odd. So I get a text about the canceled card and that she used a different card to put the air fare on. With a whole bunch of subsequent messages that she's not giving me up and not letting me give up. This is starting to get really annoying if anything. Immature levels.

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Yeah, it's odd. So I get a text about the canceled card and that she used a different card to put the air fare on. With a whole bunch of subsequent messages that she's not giving me up and not letting me give up. This is starting to get really annoying if anything. Immature levels.


Cancel all the cards that have had her name on it.


Looks like she's using you for money...


Why is she taking a trip/booking a flight? Where is she trying to go?

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