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Hi everybody! I 'm originally indonesian but live in Germany , my marriage is in critical situation, but still I try to stay with my hubby.

Recently i have contact to a female friend which is divorce , live alone but have a lots of friends. One of them there is a guy, she mentioned. I would like to get to know him but I don't know how. I google in internet and I found out that he 's an Indonesian n used to live in Germany . He's divorced too.

I ask my friend to introduce me with some guy but she answer me , wait til I move to Indonesia ?? Please help me how I can I get contact this guy I like?

Thanks a lot for your advice

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Cmon, you are married and you said '' try to stay with my hubby''. Do you even trying to fix thing?

If not, go get a divorce before you ask us how to contact that guy

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Had you fallen in love with him and didn't know how to get in touch with him, I would understand. But you don't even know who this guy is. Also, your desperate need to get hooked with someone, no matter who... is not good.

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