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Should I have an affair?

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If your husband were to ever make a comment like that again about your weight, or anything for that matter, one day just casually say, "Gee honey, is your weenie shrinking cuz it sure does look smaller." Just joking, sorry couldn't resist. Just ticks me off to hear about someone saying something to their loved one about how the look. Its stupid.

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  • 8 months later...

What are you thinking????


You have already STARTED the affair, I am sure your hubbie would be hurt if he saw your interactions and especially e-mails!!!


Every relationship is exciting when you are in "lust" but that will wear out and you will have to live with the consequences of everything you threw away for it!


Try to work on the problems in your marriage and get the excitement back, go on dates, have sex somewhere risky, liven up your marriage and forget the boy!!!

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Well, this post is nearly a year old so if there were any affair to happen or not happen it would have by now.


It would be interesting to see an update. Wonder what came of it?

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