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My parents and my ex .....


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I have this problem.... I broke up with my ex of 4 years about 3 weeks ago BUT.... I really do love him and he loves me, so I think that we are going to get back together.


The problem is that my parents are not to keen on him. When I told my mum that we broke up she said "about bloody time.. he was a dickhead"! Anyways, I dont want to disappoint my parents, but I want to be with my boyfriend. Can anyone give me any advise on how to handle this situation.....


By the way we are both 26 years old...and I dont live with my parents, but I am VERY close to them.


Thanks in advance......

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why should your parents choose your partner?..i am having the same problem with my boyfriend by the way.


Is there a certain reason why they dont like him? Has he been abusive toward you in the past?


It is your decision, ultimatly, whom you choose to date. You are a grown adult and should be able to make your own decisions. Why did you break up in the first place if you love him so much?

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It's nice to want to please your family but you're 26, and far past the age of doing things to avoid disappointing your family, particularly when it comes to whoever you want to date. Your Mom may have valid reasons for thinking he was a dickhead, and that it's about time you were no longer with him....but you're an adult, a big girl. You should do what you feel is best for you, follow your heart AND brain. Live your life for you, not your Mom.

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