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Does he still have feelings for me?


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This friend of mine (Max) was close to me and he would always express interest to me, tell me about his problems and I even helped him through a lot. But because of how my life was in turmoil I wasn't ready to hop into any relationship, so we remained friends. He would always say "I love you" to me and was always trying with me and he gets really jealous if I mention other guys. He either insults them or he gets real quiet and he'll question me, he just gets really jealous. Well when I was ready to date him he was dating a girl. I found out from friends that they have been dating for a couple of months and that is when he started to distance himself from me. He became very distant, but when he would see me he would act like he's all in love with me and act like very flirty with me and even ask me out, but when I would say "You have a girlfriend" he denies it. He tells other people that he has a girlfriend but he just denies to me and me only.


He saw me like a month ago and questioned me about this guy I went out with, and it seemed like it bothered him, and when I said "Uh you have a girlfriend dude" He got all quiet and denied it. He hasn't spoken to me in a month, and my Mother posted pics of me on her Facebook and my brother was joking around and saying "I think these pics are for Matt" who is a different guy and then my bro's friend commented and said "My boy Bobby wants you daughter's number" All of a sudden Max called my mom up the next day and my mom said that it seemed like Max was questioning her a lot like he kept on repeating "So anything new in everyones life?" He then invited all 4 of us over for thanksgiving at his place.


Then my mom handed me the phone and he was like talking all flirty, lol! Then he kept on saying "What's new in your life?" Yet he still has a girlfriend he denies. I just don't understand him? Like does he still have feelings for me? He completely distance himself from me, which hurts a lot, cause I thought we were close friends, but yet he does these things that makes it confusing. I just don't understand him, and why he cut me out, but yet does these things.

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I don't think he cut you out... you guys were seeing each other for a while right? You were friends. And he had something for you but you did not at that time. So its normal he tried to distance himself from you, unrequited love hurts like hell.


But then, you don't know about the whereabouts of this "girlfriend" of his. Maybe he really wants you and makes you think he has a girlfriend so to get you jealous? lol (not sure but well, when people are in love it could get crazy). My point is, if he doesn't state that he has a girlfriend and still flirts with you, whether this girl is real or fictional, you have no choice but to believe what he says. And hey, you like him too! So if that fictional gf appears to be real, you could call game over and be like "dude i'm not flirting with you if you have a gf, this is gross and against my values and you should've told me your poor dumbass instead of showing me deliberate gestures of attention and flirting".


Try to respond to his flirting and see what happens. Remember you have no choice but to believe what he says, its not your fault if he's lying and if he does just flush him off, you don't want to waste your time with a sentimental liar. If he denies having a girlfriend, then he's all yours, all you gotta left to do is start the romance and the playfulness of falling in love. :D

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