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Hallo everybody new here need advice

That's the story (at least part of it)

We are co-workers and we were flirting for several months

We have relationships both

At first she started that and I was pretty sure that she is even in love. I mean i was seeing it in her eyes I think I still do.

She was naming me sugar, beloved, dear and the like and so did I.

I knew she's playing me just for the sport of it, but then started to happen things a bit beyond that I will mention some of them

For instance we have LAN chat in the office (we aren't in the same room)

and we use to chat a lot in the sugar, beloved, dear way constantly for 4 or 5 months. Suddenly she sent to me a heart(emoticon) and when I let it go without any response she repeated and I asked her if she were laughing when she wrote such things she wrote no I'm serious and can't go on in that way I will brake off with my boyfriend And asked what i think about that i said that in the given circumstances I don't know what to think(I mean I have girlfriend) Other case was when we were having conversation about sex she told that I'm very brave with words but don't act and so on.

But when it went to serious conversation and she asked me to be sincere I said that I can't decide to brake my relationship off before I have at least sex with her (in order to decide what to do) she told that she is not want this , we are just friends and she never hadn't feelings for me but wanted me to be her friend

The following day she was angry to me cos I did not behave in the same way which is stupid to me

Is she playing games Can I trust her as my friend

What do you think about it

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I think you need to break it off with your current girlfriend if this is what you do while you're at work. You're keeping your girlfriend around until something better comes along. Nice. Is she aware of this? She should be. Step up to the plate. Be a man.

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I don't think you are right because when I re-evaluate the situation I see that I was a bit dizzy ( cos my co-worker is extremely attractive) and I have never intention to brake off with my gf and I was sincere enough to tell this to my co-worker. I think I didn't know what I want. But I'm not that monster you describe. I just taught that she(co-worker) is falling for me and I should have been a little flattered by that I suppose. OK now you as a woman tell me can I trust her as my friend. Thanks

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No. You were flirting, and there was heavy sexual overtones. You can't trust her as a friend, because you weren't friends to begin with. Her intent was never friends: it was lovers.

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LucreziaBorgia Thanks In my opinion you are right but why did she act this way. She said she had never love intends to me and she've always looked at me as a friend. I didn't believe her but why she said that. What is your opinion

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