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Is this a friend?

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Hi guys going to keep it short; my ex broke up with me but offered me friendship at the time but i declined it; 5-6 months later I contacted her; we got talking again and have been ever since; iv noticed lately that she chats to me but then goes quiet for a day or two then comes back to chat to me; its gettin me angry because i miss talkin to her but it feels like she just comes and goes when she wants :s i dont know what to do? Is she worth chattin to anymore? Last week she phoned me and she was tellin me about a perfume her "mate" brought her, i asked how long she knew this "mate" and she said 3 months but now he isnt her mate because she doesnt talk to him anymore; i find that fishy especially letting a complete stranger know when ya birthday is an he buys her a bottle of perfume? Since i asked her she had been distant?

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A friendship with an EX is not the deep abiding kind where you talk about everything & you talk every day like when you were in a relationship.



You are trying to talk to her every day because you want her back. It won't work. She sees through it & pulls away.



It's very hard to truly be friends with an EX. It's more something people say but don't mean. While you don't have to go NC, for your own health & peace of mind, you need to back off. Limit yourself to when she calls you or perhaps no more than 1 contact per week. Remember, this is more like "friendship light".

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I sent her a text asking if she was ok an she went off on saying why do i ask silly questions if she is quiet; so i told her that i will no longer message her again and that its for the best that we dont talk; she never replied to my message; im going strict NC now

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